Faculty Survey - Spring 2019

Survey Interpretation
Survey Text
Survey Results
Other Surveys

Survey Interpretation

Computer Lab Management (CLM) periodically surveys faculty who teach in our computer classrooms. CLM uses this information to improve the quality of service in the computer classrooms. The survey results (especially questions #2 and #6) show that overall faculty are quite happy with the computer classrooms.

However, there were several questions and/or concerns raised by faculty so CLM will follow up on these items:

  • There were coments about the layout of the desks and how it made group work difficult. We are aware of the issues, but it's difficult to solve. Given the power & network cabling there isn't a feasible way to have moveable furniture. We have a possible new layout which is designed around small group work which we hope to construct in the new Teaching & Learning Complex scheduled to be completed around 2022.
  • Some students have started to bring their personsal laptops to class and need access to power. Unfortately most of our rooms don't have easily accessible outlets. We have stared adding power strips to some rooms and will continue to add them to the remaining rooms.
    This will have the added benefit of preveting classroom problems caused by clients unplugging our equipment like "one row of computers in Hutchison 73 did not work" mentioned below.

Survey Text

On 6/3/2019 Computer Lab Management sent an email to faculty who had taught in the computer rooms during Spring 2019 asking them to fill out this survey.

Survey Results

There were 21 responses.

Question 2. Please rate the following aspects of our services:

  Needs significant improvement Needs some improvement Needs little or no improvement No opinion
Classroom availability (able to reserve times needed) 1 1 14 5
Support from computer lab managers 0 0 18 3
Support from the Computer Room Consultant (CRC) 0 2 17 2
Preparedness of the classroom (room cleared out, whiteboard supplies, etc.) 0 1 20 0
Computer usability and reliability 0 5 15 0
Preventing classroom interruptions 1 3 16 1
Classroom size (too small or too large) 1 3 16 1
Temperature control (room was too hot or too cold) 0 4 17 0
Layout of the classroom 2 4 15 0
Classroom environment (cleanliness, sound, etc. ) 0 1 20 0
Other - Please specify below 1 1 7 5

Classroom environment and Other reasons:

  • The layout isn't ideal for working in small groups. Some of the computers would regularly go down. The project also went down a couple of times this quarter.
  • I was very happy with my reservation, and able to get it because of the time of day. My desire for changes are that the CS dept would prefer to have a lab for many of our large courses like ECS 32A, ECS 34, and ECS 36A. It is absolutely not practical at this time due to the limited space with the current labs, including the CSIF.
  • Scheduling just took awhile due to both my and Tim's schedules. Would it be possible to call in appointments to speed up the process?
  • Sometimes external students show up to use the available computers.
  • The students on the far side seem a bit disconnected, but I'm not sure how that could be solved...
  • A handful of the computers wouldn't work on any given day.
  • I really dislike the layout of Hutchison 73. It is hard to interact with students when their computer monitors are in the direct line of sight between them and me. I would like it to be laid out more like Olson 21, but I understand that this probably isn't feasible given the positions of the white boards, etc.
    The classroom would be much better to teach in if the desks could be arranged in a way that would facilitate discussion and interaction between the students and the instructor. It is also better if, as the instructor, I could see some of the students' screens from the front of the room to ensure they are on task.
    I very much prefer the layout of Olson 21, where the students are in vertical rows in relation to the board/screen, and the students in the ""back"" of the room aren't actually very far from the screen.
  • It's still hard in Olson to use the overhead projector AND write on whiteboards in a place that all students can see. The screen covers almost everything.
  • I was pleased with everything. Sometimes the markers could be fresher.
  • Our classroom was too warm. (247 Olson)
  • A student complained about the cold a few times and I had to tell her to deal. But there's prob. no sweet spot.
  • The classroom is very cold, esp. if a student is sitting under a vent. Also for some reason the instructor's computer was unusually slow. (241 Olson)
  • I noticed that the instructor's computer seems slow to open Word or Class Folders and so on, especially compared to the computers in other Olson or Shields labs.
  • I had a CRC (I did not get his name) begin cleaning the classroom 10 minutes before my first of two back-to-back classes in Shields 90B was over. When I asked him to wait, he argued with me about the ending time of my class and continued to straighten up the room. This was a huge distraction because my students were trying to finish up an assignment while the CRC was dusting around their computer monitors and keyboards.
    Part of this could be due to the fact that class times written on the white boards are not correct--they are written as beginning and ending on the hour or half hour, but the classes don't always begin or end on the hour or half hour. For example, the class in question runs from 1:40-3:00pm and the the next class begins at 3:10. The class meeting times are listed (outside the classroom door and on the whiteboard) as 1:30-3 and 3-4:30. The CRC told me that he needed to get the room ready for the 3pm class. When I told him the class begins at 3:10, he insisted it started at 3 and referred to the posted schedule.
  • The computers are great in the classroom. But the layout of the classroom presents challenges for group work. Students teams are crowded together in narrow rows, and the students have to talk around the large monitors. I am not sure what can be done to make the layout of the room more conducive to group work. The tables would need to be rearranged. One idea is to line the walls with the tables and put some conference tables in the middle of the room.
  • CRC Assistant--usually excellent, but in 93 Hutchison, when I asked for help (clicked the CRC Help button), no one came.
    Classroom layout--difficult to make this perfect, but in SCC 2103 the students can hide behind their monitors, so I have difficulty seeing the students' faces from the front of the classroom. Would be helpful to have laptops, perhaps, in that room.
    Classroom environment--in both rooms, 93 Hutchison and 2103 SCC, I found light control somewhat challenging. In order for the students to see the screen, I have to turn off the lights in the front of the room, but even then, the screen is hard to see. But if I turn off all the lights, it's too dark. It would be helpful to have dimmer switches and/or more control of specific light banks in these rooms so that we could control the light more effectively.
  • Getting big enough rooms to hold office hours in for classes which have enrollments in the hundreds of students is challenging, but Tim did his best to get us as many hours as possible.

Question 3. How would you rate your overall experience teaching in CLM Computer Classrooms this quarter compared with previous quarters?

Better 2
Same 19
Worse 0
N/A 0

"Better" Reasons given:

  • The assistants were more present. Almost to a fault.
  • We were given many more seats this quarter.

"Same" Reasons given:

  • I haven't had any problems in the SciLab rooms. They are great facilities, it would be great the University had more of them.
  • I am uniformly satisfied. Thanks to your team!
  • All the student assistants are always wonderful and supportive.
  • Fantastic last year and excellence continued this year!

"Worse" Reasons given:

  • None

Question 4. What pedagogical issues, if any, have you faced while teaching in a computer classroom?

  • Effective peer review/group work since the computers are so stationary. The room is also rather wide so students on the sides can be hard to include. (90B Shields)
  • I haven't had any issues.
  • N/A (2 responses)
  • none
  • I wished there was a standing / higher podium or desk that I could have used to instruct - when I was seated I feel it was hard for students to see me (27 Olson)
  • See my comment above: it is difficult to get students engaged with the current layout of Hutchison 73.
  • see above
  • Distracted students.
  • I forget to lock screens and prevent web surfing and distraction.
  • See above. Group work can be challenging given the layout of the room. It is also difficult to move around the classroom, as the rows are narrow.
  • Difficulty in organizing small group work--particularly in SCC.
  • I did not face any pedagogical issues.
  • None. We go round-robin by station number while the students sit and work, maximizing productivity and fairness. Having enough space is essential to this. The projector allows us to solve a common issue quickly.

Question 5. What technological issues, if any, have you faced while teaching in a computer classroom?

  • Some of the student computers don't always work. The projector had a tendency to crash a couple of times.
  • I haven't had any issues.
  • N/A (2 responses)
  • none
  • During a few classes, one row of computers in Hutchison 73 did not work, which was very inconvenient. The staff did a good job of attending to the problem each time, but a more permanent fix would be ideal (this might have been addressed already, so apologies if this comment is redundant).
  • None this quarter.
  • Computers crashing
  • We had last minute install issues with a new piece of software but had incredible support and everything ended up working.
  • Slow instructor's computer
  • Only the somewhat slowed computer response
  • I did not face any technological issues.
  • We could really use more power outlets since most students bring their own laptops.

Question 6. How was your overall teaching experience in the computer classroom?

  • Solid. Stronger layout of the room would be nice.
  • When I've taught in the classrooms, it has been great.
  • It was great! Easy to use.
  • good
  • Great!
  • Overall, the computer classrooms have been a great place to teach! I have run into very few issues, and when an issue did arise, the staff were very responsive and helpful. Thanks for a great quarter!
  • Excellent
  • I love teaching in computer labs. I have no concerns
  • Excellent (4 responses)
  • Very good.
  • Fine.
  • It was satisfactory.
  • Great.

Question 7. Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding the computer classrooms.

  • Good job keeping it clean and stocked!
  • It would be extremely helpful if there were more computer labs in which CS (or other departments) could hold their labs. This may be able to be addressed with rooms that are well suited for students to work on laptops (have power outlets for every student, and good WiFi coverage). The rooms should be flat (or have few stairs), and make it easy for instructors/TAs to get around to all of the students. Also these rooms would need to be able to be booked for 3hr time period.
  • I thought it was super nice that Tim came to greet me and to check and see if everything was set up and ready.
  • Nope
  • no
  • I'm grateful every quarter that I get to teach my class in a computer classroom. It definitely eliminates many problems that would happen if students just had to bring their own laptops.
  • I want two or more walls of whiteboards in all the classes I teach from now on. Thanks.
  • Nope!
  • It felt strange live coding facing the class because I kept talking to and pointing at my screen uselessly. So I've converged on logging into the standing station at the back of the room. That way I can code looking and pointing forward at the screens that everyone sees. It also makes it easier to see over shoulders when a student is stuck on something small.
    If the doors could lock from the inside I would be using that feature to keep out distracting late arrivals and set a norm of timeliness.
  • Keep up the excellent work
  • Thanks for adding the plug boards for laptops.
  • Aria is wonderful! He is super helpful and friendly. When I asked him about using presentation mode on the computer, he walked me through the process and followed up with an email that provided step by step instructions.
  • I really like the whiteboards on the side of the classroom in 2013 SCC. It would be great if every classroom would have this setup so that one could use the projector to show a slide AND then write things on the whiteboard and everyone could see both.
  • Thanks for your job.
  • One good idea that I shared with the TAs was for us to physically leave the room when the reservation ends or otherwise students will keep asking questions and that's really not fair to the CRC staff.

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Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
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