Faculty Survey - Fall 2008
Survey Text
Survey Results
Other Surveys
Survey Interpretation
Computer Lab Management (CLM) periodically surveys faculty who teach in our computer classrooms. CLM uses this information to improve the quality of service in the computer classrooms.
The survey results, especially question #6, show that overall faculty are very happy with the computer classrooms. The top area identified for improvement was "More classroom availability" by a large margin. Therefore, CLM will focus on finding more space for computer classrooms.
There are several comments regarding permissions and class folders. CLM upgraded the Mac computer classrooms to OS X 10.5 over Summer 2008. Apple changed the interface so you can no longer change the permissions of folders. Unfortunately, we were unaware that many instructors were dependent on this functionality and so their classes were disrupted. CLM was able to create "Automator" scripts that easily allow instructors to change permissions, but not until almost the end of the quarter. As of Winter 2009, these scripts are now in place in all Mac computer classrooms, we have updated our documentation, and are training instructors on their use.
However, there were a few comments that show areas where CLM can improve our services.
- There continue to be problems with non-enrolled students attempting to use the rooms during classes. CLM will try to improve our processes to prevent these disruptions.
- Computer classroom temperatures can be problematic. We will continue to adjust the HVAC systems to try to achieve settings acceptable to all our clients.
Survey Text
Fall 2008 Computer Classroom Survey
Computer Lab Management would like to know how we can improve the quality of service in the computer classrooms. We have used feedback in the past to improve our services and facilities, and hope to use your feedback to improve further.
If you have taught in multiple classrooms, please respond for each classroom separately. For example, if you taught in both 21 Olson and 241 Olson please fill out this form twice, once for each room. This will allow us to match your comments with the specific computer classroom.
Survey Results
Question 2. Please identify the top three areas (number 1 to 3 in order of priority) where we can improve our services:
Number of 1's | Number of 2's | Number of 3's | |
Better support from the Computer Room Consultant (CRC) | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Better equipment reliability | 1 | 1 | 2 |
More classroom availability | 10 | 3 | 2 |
Larger classrooms (to accommodate more students) | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Larger classrooms (to allow more workspace at each station) | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Better support from computer lab managers | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Better preparedness of the classroom | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Newer/Faster equipment | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Reduced classroom interruption | 4 | 0 | 1 |
Better temperature control (room was too hot or too cold) | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Improved classroom environment | 1 | 5 | 0 |
Other | 6 | 1 | 4 |
Improved classroom environment reasons:
- Mobility for groupwork, curved tables? (93 Hutchison)
- more area for group dicsussion or abilty to move screens around for non-computer related tasks. (1102 Hart)
- Machines in 21 are too large--too easy for students to disappear behind them. Best room is still 247 with the laptops
Other reasons:
- instructions for upgrades (eg in class folders) before we start teaching--even the lab tech couldn't figure out how to use permissions in the newly configured folders
- supplies on hand such as staplers and extra dry erase pens
- place table at back of room for handouts (93 Hutchison)
- Wish you had a room closer to Med Sciences!
- allow connect of personal laptop more easily, power outlet at each station
- prevent students from entering while class is in session
- Set defaults to list, rather than icons. Every class period I wasted time looking for my class folders, etc.
- Loud overhead fan made it very difficult to hear students (1102 Hart)
- It's a shame instructors lost the ability to set up folders; I was told there was a workaround, but I didn't get it in time for it to do any good. One of the things that makes these rooms CLASSROOMS and not just labs has always been the ease with which students and instructors could swap files within a secure system. Seems like we are going backwards in this area.
- A sign letting students NOT in the class know that they can come in and use the computers at the back even though class is in session.
- better projector (247 Olson)
Question 3. How would you rate your overall experience teaching in CLM Computer Classrooms this quarter compared with previous quarters?
Better | 1 |
Same | 21 |
Worse | 5 |
N/A | 8 |
"Better" Reasons given:
- Lab attendants are so much more helpful than previous years.
"Same" Reasons given:
- I have been very satisfied each time I've taught in a computer classroom.
- Excellent before and now.
- Always top-notch
- Always top-notch, although the PC over the media cabinet is very slow, even after some attempts at cleaning it out and such. Also, a couple fo times the room has been really hot.
- Same, meaning the room is great. It's clean and the computers are fast.
- Everything was great as always. My complaints are the same as before, but they are not the fault of IET.
- always excellent. I appreciate the support provided.
- I only taught one class. It went great, the only minor problem was I had to look around a bit and go find the CRC in the adjoining room to get a laser pointer (this is what I meant by "better preparedness" in question #2. But that was minor, overall it went great. I think they were short of a CRC person that day.
- Service has been great and continues to be great.
- You folks are the absolute best in terms of anticipation of needs, helpfulness, software support, advice, communications - I can't say you are better, but I might be learning more about how to take advantage of the facilities! Every single time, I am amazed at how well you function in a difficult setting.
- room was great and met our needs
- Recently everything has worked well for me. There were a few glitches at the beginning of the quarter, with the new intolerance for setting preferences on class folders. But the complaints were heard, and the problems were fixed quickly. I'm favorably impressed by the quality of interaction between the CRCs and the supervisors. Kudos to all!
- It is sometimes still too hot in the laptop lab, and the projector still looks awful, even with the lights completely out. (247 Olson)
"Worse" Reasons given:
- Only in the area of using file folders. We couldn't set permissions for students to drop and share--the tech tried hard to find instructions.
- This year I had an continuous interruptions by students attempting to use the computer lab during my class. Also, in between classes, students outside of my class would come in to try and use the computers quickly or to print things. I found that this was an interruption to my class, as I would arrive at 3:10, since my class had to move from the discussion section to the SLB for the lab, and needed to tell all other students to leave, and this would take ~5 min of my class time.
- see comments above (the commnet was "It's a shame instructors lost the ability to set up folders; I was told there was a workaround, but I didn't get it in time for it to do any good. One of the things that makes these rooms CLASSROOMS and not just labs has always been the ease with which students and instructors could swap files within a secure system. Seems like we are going backwards in this area.")
- There were some problems with MS Office 07/08 (73 Hutchison)
- The reason I say worse is because the previous quarter that I taught in this room I didn't have any problems. The software that my students needed to use didn't work on several of the computers. Also the computer lab managers didn't clear out the room before my class was to begin so there usually ended up being several people in the room that were not in my class. (73 Hutchison)
Question 4. What pedagogical issues, if any, have you faced while teaching in a computer classroom?
- Mobility--my own is very limited. Stasis among students too, esp. troublesome for those farthest from the teaching desk, which ought to be in the middle of the room, esp. in the basement rooms.
- None, provided that the students follow directions and I don't make any typos on the assignment
- Having a "seminar space" in which to interact with students more personally.
- n/a
- None that I can think of.
- None
- continuous interruptions by students not in my class unable to read the 'Do Not Enter' sign outside the door. Perhaps having the sign on the door itself TA e.g. Open/Closed as stores do.
- Some areas of the dry erase board are difficult to see depending on which computer station a student is seated.
- Awkwardness of groupwork with thin row tables.
- no
- Sound-- nobody can hear other students talking.
- Just line of sight mostly (have a hard time seeing the students over the monitors).
- Limiting distractions, such as email checking/web surfing...would be nice to have the ability to darken everyone's screen from the front desk/instructor's computer, then turn them back on when the lesson is ready to proceed.
- My class is a projects class and the students use different software for their projects, depending on their needs, and I have to sort of juggle how to support and help them across multiple platforms. Good thing: they help each other, too. The lab is informal, not so much of a lecture. I show them some things but mostly we work together as a team and solve problems. Not sure if this is the best way but it seems to work.
- people surfing sites other than those that the assignment requires
- Students who sit on the sides towards the front participate less and have trouble seeing the screen.
- Lack of ability for break out groups or group discussion.
- see comments above
- none.
- My only complaint is that there isn't enough board space in the room, especially when the projector is on. (73 Hutchison)
- Students not paying attention to me, and instead surfing the internt or checking their e-mail. Is there a way to lock computers so that students cannot do this and must pay attention to what's being projected at the front?
- None. I love the computer classrooms.
Question 5. What technological issues, if any, have you faced while teaching in a computer classroom?
- as above--using file folders in new iteration
- None
- Increasingly gimmicky software (e.g., Excel). Not being able to set the default preferences on Excel.
- none
- I wish I didn't have to ask to have the program I want to use installed - it would be great if I could just do that myself. However, I understand that this is probably impossible to avoid, since teachers might accidentally install a virus.
- None.
- pens were dry and eraser ineffective (too dirty). But that was quickly solved by asking the computer lab techs next door for more supplies, which they had on hand.
- color is less satisfactory
- no
- Everything was great!
- I only teach in these rooms occasionally - but the computers and projector have always worked fine - no problems - which I really appreciate.
- NA
- I probably would face more if I were more sophisticated myself! I think the main one is trying to show them something new and occasionally getting stuck. But then they see me figure it out.
- powerpoint incompatibility between computers
- I need to have the software and hardware (a wireless microphone) to be able to record my instruction sessions on Breeze.
- n/a - technology all worked fine.
- very few
- Some problems with MS Access due to 07/08 software
- There were several computers on which the software that I had had installed said that the license had expired and hence we couldn't use those computers.
- Nothing I can think of, whenever there was an issue I just asked the CRC who was always very helpful
Question 6. What is your overall teaching experience in the computer classroom?
- that it works well and makes av easy, plus easy to go paperless
- Positive
- Great
- excellent- taught an online class with excellent and very quick support. very happy with the experience.
- Good. Staff were very helpful with loading the statistical software and packages that I needed for the Sta141 discussion section that I ran.
- Very good. The only problem is that we need more computer classrooms on campus. I always have to teach my voluntary workshop classes on Fridays to make sure I get a room.
- Good
- Very good!
- I love the classroom, it's perfect.
- Good!
- Temperature control could use some work. The fan at the front of the classroom is very loud and it makes it difficult to hear the students when they are talking to you. Can that be adjusted?
- nice
- Very good.
- It is great. I really appreciate Tim's help to arrange computer classroom for me.
- Great.
- outstanding
- Very very good.
- several times per year
- You have made it quite positive!
- great
- Very good.
- It was fine. Staff was helpful.
- lots--I started the first computer classroom in 1989
- Great. No complaints.
- My overall teaching experience in the computer classroom is fair. There were some gliches but nothing too drastic.
- Good
- Positive.
Question 7. Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding the computer classrooms.
- Tim Leamy is priceless and the student assistants are gems.
- It went smoothly, overall, it was great
- Super!
- No
- Erasers for white board were falling apart.
- Yes, please give Tim Leamy a raise. My colleagues and I always say how grateful we are that he runs the computer labs - he's super helpful and all-around great.
- Perhaps we can hang a sign on the door that says class in progress b/c I feel that students are not reading the signs on the white boards and walk into the classroom.
- Keep up the good work.
- no additional suggestions.
- no
- You guys are great.
- keep up the good work. thanks.
- Keep up the good work. The CRC's have always been very helpful and polite.
- NA
- I wish you had a classroom in the med sci area. Vet Med used to have one, which they managed far less professionally and competently than your team, but they have now dismantled theirs. I would still, on the whole, rather work with you guys for sheer competence even though it is a pain to trek across campus. Thanks for your superb, competent, friendly management of this critical resource!
- Students who are not taking my course routinely stay in the room or enter while I am teaching. I had some some interesting interactions with students who, upon being asked to leave, replied that they just needed to stay to print a few things! I would like to be able to physically control who enters the classroom when I am using it. Could we lock the door? Students completely ignore the stop sign and routinely walk in to use the stapler etc.
- The issue of no food or drink made it difficult when teaching a 3 hour lab. Hard to find time to step out when teaching to grab a drink of water or eat a snake. Strict rules were impractical for a teaching environment and felt like they were rules that were made to be broken by my students.
- nope
- no.
- My class was small in terms of number of students and we only used the first row and I didn't mind having students come in and use the back rows. I know what it feels like to really need a computer and not be sure whether or not you can enter the computer classroom. A sign outside the door that says there is a class in session, but they can still come in and use free computers at the back would be helpful. Sometimes I felt rushed by the CRC. Even though there wasn't a class right after me, I felt pressured to wrap up when my students still had questions.
- You all are doing a great job.
Other Surveys
- Student Survey (Winter 2008)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2007)
- Student Survey (Winter 2007)
- Student Laptop Survey (Winter 2007)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2006)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 2006)
- Student Survey (Winter 2006)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2005)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 2005)
- Student Survey #1 (Winter 2005)
- Student Survey #2 - Laptop Use (Winter 2005)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2004)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 2004)
- Student Survey #1 (Winter 2004)
- Student Survey #2 (Winter 2004)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2003)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 2003)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2002)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 2002)
- Student Survey #1 (Winter 2002)
- Student Survey #2 (Winter 2002)
- Student Survey #3 (Winter 2002)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2001)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 2001)
- Student Survey (Winter 2001)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 2000)
- Duplex Printing (Summer 2000)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 2000)
- Student Survey (Spring 2000)
- Student Survey (Winter 2000)
- Faculty Survey (Fall 1999)
- Faculty Survey (Spring 1999)
- Student Survey (Spring 1999)
- Student Survey (Fall 1998)
- Faculty Survey (Winter 1998)
- Student Survey (Winter 1998)
- Student Survey (Winter 1997)
- ASUCD Student Computer Survey (Winter 1997)
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys