As part of an ongoing effort to understand and meet the needs of our clients, Computer Lab Management (CLM) conducted a student survey on April 2, 2004. The survey was sent to 1000 students who used the computer classrooms during the Winter 2004 quarter. There were 92 respondents.
The impact of the increase in number of laptop users is decreased by the answers given in question #5. Only 48% of the laptops have wireless cards and most students rarely (56%) or never (22%) bring their laptops to campus. It appears that while increased wireless and power availability would encourage students to bring laptops, there are other reasons why students are not interested in bringing a laptop to campus. From the comments it appears some students believe laptops are just too heavy and fragile to be carried around campus all day. The issues around laptop use on campus should be investigated further in the next survey.
Computer Lab Management periodically surveys computer room users in order to make adjustments and meet customer needs. This survey helps us determine what changes and improvements are most appropriate. We would like your input to determine what changes you feel would improve our services. Please answer the following questions by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the square brackets provided. Thank you for your time and input. Tim Leamy Computer Lab Management Classroom Technology Services ***** Computer Room Survey ***** 1. Class Standing: [] First year [] Second year [] Third year [] Fourth year [] Fifth or more year[] Masters candidate [] PhD candidate [] Professional School 2. Why do you use the computer rooms (please mark all that apply) [] Don't own a computer [] Need to access the web (Mozilla and Internet Explorer) [] Need to check/reply to email [] Need to print class assignments [] Need to print class materials from the web [] Need to access specialized software which is not on home computer [] Need to access special hardware (scanners, video editors, etc.) [] Campus computers have faster access to the network (web, email, etc) [] Campus computers are more convenient than mine [] Campus computers work better than mine [] Class meets in a computer room [] To access student information (RSVP, grades, financial aid info, classes enrolled) [] Other (please describe): [] 3. Do you own a computer? [] Yes [] No (If NO please skip to question #7.) 4. If you own a computer please answer the following: (If you own more than one computer please respond for the one you use most often.) Type: [] Desktop [] Laptop Platform: [] Macintosh [] PC/IBM compatible [] Other [] Don't know Operating System: (if use multiple select primary one) [] Mac OS 9 [] Mac OS X [] Mac - not sure what version [] Windows 95 [] Windows 98 [] Windows NT [] Windows 2000 [] Windows ME [] Windows XP [] Windows - not sure what version [] Linux [] Other Unix [] Other Printer: [] None [] Ink Jet [] Laser [] Other [] Don't Know Network Connection: [] 56K modem [] 28.8K or slower modem [] DSL [] Cable Modem [] High speed provided by apartment complex [] Satellite [] None [] Don't know [] Other: please specify [ ] Is your network connection shared with your roommates: [] Yes [] No Peripherals: DVD-R/RW [] Yes [] No [] Don't know DVD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know CD-RW: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know CD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know Zip drive: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know Floppy: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know Scanner: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know USB drive: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know How do you usually transfer files from your computer to computers on campus? [] mySpace(in myUCDavis) [] Floppy disk [] Zip disk [] CD-RW [] USB storage device [] Email the file to myself [] Other - please specify [ ] 5. If you own a laptop please answer the following questions. Otherwise skip to question #6. Does your laptop have a wireless card? [] Yes [] No [] Don't know How often do you bring your laptop to campus? [] Every day [] Several times a week [] Rarely [] Never What could the campus do to encourage you to bring your laptop to campus more often. [] Increase wireless coverage [] Increase number of available network ports [] Increase available power outlets [] Offer wireless printing [] Other [ ] Do you have any other comments about laptop usage? [ ] 6. If you are waiting for a computer in a lab, and one of the other type is available (ie. You own a PC but a Mac is available) would you: [] Use the available computer [] Wait until the type you own is available 7. Due to the instability of data on floppy disks, we have considered not including floppy drives for any new computers we purchase. How would this change affect you? [] Not at all - I use other methods to transfer files [] A little - I sometimes use floppies [] A lot - I always use floppies 8. Do you have any other suggestions or comments? [ ] Thank you for your time and input.
1. Class Standing
Class | Number | Percentage |
First Year | 13 | 14.1% |
Second Year | 20 | 21.7% |
Third Year | 23 | 25.0% |
Fourth Year | 19 | 20.7% |
Fifth Year | 5 | 5.4% |
Masters candidate | 4 | 4.3% |
PhD candidate | 8 | 8.7% |
Professional School | 0 | 0% |
2. Why do you use the computer rooms?
Reason | Number | Percentage |
Don't own a computer | 3 | 3.3% |
Need to access the web | 41 | 44.6% |
Need to check/reply to email | 51 | 55.4% |
Need to print class assignments | 72 | 78.3% |
Need to print class materials from the web | 75 | 81.5% |
Need to access specialized software not at home computer | 19 | 20.7% |
Need to access special hardware | 9 | 9.8% |
Campus computers have faster access to the network | 23 | 25.0% |
Campus computers are more convenient than theirs | 27 | 29.3% |
Campus computers work better than theirs | 10 | 10.9% |
Class meets in a computer room | 11 | 12.0% |
To access student information (RSVP, grades, financial aid, classes enrolled) | 37 | 40.2% |
Other | 9 | 9.8% |
Reasons given for "Other":
3. Do you own a computer?
PercentYes 89
96.7% No 3 3.3%
4. If you own a computer please answer the following:
Note: all the percentages reported for this question are of the students
who own a computer, not all students.
What type of computer do you own?
Number Percentage Desktop 47 52.8% Laptop 42 47.2% What computer platform or brand do you use?
Number Percentage Macintosh 6 6.7% PC/IBM compatible 80 89.9% Other 0 0% Don't know 1 1.1%
What type of operating system do you use?
Operating System Number Percentage Mac OS 9 1 1.1 Mac OS X 6 6.7% Mac-not sure 0 0.0% Windows 95
1 1.1% Windows 98 5 5.6% Windows NT 1 1.1% Windows 2000 10 11.2% Windows ME 7 7.9% Windows XP 57 64.0% Windows - not sure 1 1.1% Linux 0 0.0% Other Unix 0 0.0% Other 0 0.0% What type of printer do you own?
Number Percentage None 19 21.3% Ink Jet 57 64.0% Laser 8 9.0% Other 2 2.2% Don't know 3 3.4% What type of network connection do you have at home?
Number Percentage 56K modem 18 20.2% 28.8K or slower modem 1 1.1% DSL 47 52.8% Cable Modem 2 2.2% High speed provided by apartment complex 14 15.7% Satellite 0 0.0% None 0 0.0% Don't know 2 2.2%` Other 5 5.6% Other network types given:
- Garbage "T1" provided by Ygnition but we are looking to get DSL
- UCD Resnet (4 replies)
Are you sharing the network connection with your roommates?
Number Percentage Yes 55 61.8% No 14 15.7% What type of peripherals do you have at home?
Yes No Don't Know Percentage of "Yes" DVD-R/RW 15 60 5 16.9% DVD-ROM 55 25 4 61.8% CD-RW 59 15 7 66.3% CD-ROM 67 11 1 75.3% Zip Drive 16 46 10 18.0% Floppy 69 12 1 77.5% Scanner 23 54 2 25.8% USB drive 50 12 14 56.2% How do you transfer files between campus and home computer? (Allowed multiple responses)
Number Percentage MySpace 26 29.2% Floppy Disk 35 39.3% Zip Disk 5 5.6% CD-RW 6 6.7% USB Storage Device 9 10.1% Email the file to themselves 58 65.2% Other 4 4.5% Other transfer means
- FTP (3 replies)
5. If you own a laptop please answer the following questions.
Note: all the percentages reported for this question are of the students
who own a latptop - 50. The difference from the number in questions #4 is
most likely students who own both a laptop and desktop.
Does your laptop have a wireless card?
Number Percentage Yes 24 48.0% No 24 48.0% Don't know 2 4.0% How often do you bring your laptop to campus??
Number Percentage Every day 2 4.0% Several times a week 9 18.0% Rarely 28 56.0% Never 11 22.0% What could the campus do to encourage you to bring your laptop to campus more often.?
Number Percentage Increase wireless coverage 30 60.0% Increase number of available network ports 22 44.0% Increase available power outlets 23 46.0% Offer wireless printing 25 50.0% Other 6 12.0% Other reasons:
- I'm not interested in bringing it to campus.
- have tables in computer lab for laptop users
- I don't really like the thought of bringing my laptop to school. Just not necessary
- secure lockers--it gets heavy to carry around all day and gets banged up too
- free wireless card. Hey it's a thought!
- Have the network ports at Shields Library actually working!
Do you have any other comments about laptop usage?
- It would be convenient to have a check in station where students can hold laptops when they don't want to carry them around campus
- I believe your two biggest problems are a lack of available power outlets and wireless coverage. Wireless printing would be fantastic but it would merely be icing on the cake. Please work on the coverage first
- if my computer was smaller and lighter I would take it to campus more often - mine's a brick!
- very convenient but sometimes is limited to use only in library wish could use in several locations on campus
- I can never find an open outlet especially in Shields
- I don't know if it's just my laptop but it seems like there are a lot of "downtimes" when the wireless does not work. So when I take my laptop to campus expecting it to work there were times when I couldn't go on line (wireless).
- The only reason I don't use it so often on campus is because I keep having problems enabling the wireless connection. Otherwise I would use it a lot more.
- I wouldn't even use the comp labs if I could print from my laptop
- I wish the battery lasted much longer.
6. If you are waiting for a computer in a lab, and one of the other type is available (ie. They own a PC but a Mac is available) you would:
Number | Percentage | |
Use the available computer | 60 | 65.2% |
Wait until the type you own is available | 28 | 30.4% |
7. Due to the instability of data on floppy disks, we have considered not including floppy drives for any new computers we purchase. How would this change affect you?
Number | Percentage | |
Not at all - I use other methods to transfer files | 35 | 38.0% |
A little - I sometimes use floppies | 43 | 46.7% |
A lot - I always use floppies | 14 | 15.2% |
8. Do you have any other suggestions or comments?
Comments: URL: Last reviewed: Wed, 5-May-2004 Last updated: May 5, 2004 |
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