As part of an ongoing effort to understand and meet the needs of our clients, Computer Lab Management conducted a student survey on April 6, 2002. The survey was sent to 1000 students who used the computer classrooms during the Winter 2002 quarter. There were 220 respondents. There were several items that were revealed in this survey. These include the following:
The details from the survey are listed below.
Computer Lab Management is constantly trying to refine and improve the campus computer rooms. We would like your input to determine what changes you feel would improve our services. Your name was selected by a random sample of all computer room users from last quarter. As a result, your responses to this survey represent many users. Please reply to this survey so that your views will be properly represented. The survey contains ten questions which are listed below. To answer the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the square brackets provided. Thank you for your time and input. Tim Leamy Computer Lab Management Classroom Technology Services ***** Computer Room Survey ***** 1. Class Standing: [] Freshman [] Sophomore [] Junior [] Senior [] Masters candidate [] PhD candidate [] Professional School 2. Why do you use the computer rooms (please mark all that apply) [] Don't own a computer [] Need to access the WWW (Netscape and Internet Explorer) [] Need to check/reply to email [] Need to print documents created at home [] Need to print documents from the web [] Need to print documents created on campus computers [] Need to access specialized software which is not on home computer [] Need to access to special hardware (scanners, video editors, etc.) [] Campus computer have faster access to the network [] Campus computers are more convenient than mine [] Campus computers work better than mine [] Class meets in a computer room [] To access student information (RSVP, grades, financial aid info, classes enrolled) [] Other (please describe): [] 3. Do you own a computer? [] Yes [] No (If NO please skip to question #6.) 4. If you own a computer please answer the following: (If you own more than one computer please respond for the one you use most often.) Type: [] Desktop [] Laptop Platform: [] Macintosh [] PC/IBM compatible [] Other [] Don't know Operating System: (if use multiple select primary one) [] Mac OS 7 [] Mac OS 8 [] Mac OS 9 [] Mac OS X [] Windows 95 [] Windows 98 [] Windows NT [] Windows 2000 [] Windows ME [] Windows XP [] Linux [] Other Unix [] Other Printer: [] None [] Dot Matrix [] Ink Jet [] Laser [] Other [] Don't Know Does it have a DVD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know Does it have a CD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know Does it have a Zip drive: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know 5. If you are waiting for a computer in a lab, and one of the other type is available (ie. You own a PC but a Mac is available) would you: [] Use the available computer [] Wait until the type you own is available 6. What email programs do you use? (Mark all that apply) [] myUCDavis ( [] Geckomail ( [] ISUN/pine [] Eudora [] Outlook [] Entourage [] Other - please identify [ ] 7. Which email program do you use the most? (Mark only one) [] myUCDavis ( [] Geckomail ( [] ISUN/pine [] Eudora [] Outlook [] Entourage [] Other - please identify [ ] 8. When do you most often use the computer rooms [] 8 AM to 10 AM [] 10 AM to 2 PM [] 2 PM to 5 PM [] 5 PM to 7 PM [] After 7 PM 9. Do you primarily use the computer rooms [] In-between classes on a casual, drop in basis [] During a time when you planned to do work in the campus computer lab [] During scheduled class time held at a computer classroom 10. When you do go to a computer room on a drop in basis, how long do you typically have to wait for an open computer? [] Not at all [] Less than 5 minutes [] 5 to 10 minutes [] 10 to 15 minutes [] 15 to 30 minutes [] Over 30 minutes Thank you for your time and input.
1. Class Standing
Class | Number | Percentage |
Freshman | 11 | 5.0% |
Sophomore | 45 | 20.5% |
Junior | 74 | 33.6% |
Senior | 73 | 33.2% |
Masters candidate | 6 | 2.7% |
PhD candidate | 10 | 4.5% |
Professional School | 0 | 0.0% |
2. Why did you use the computer rooms?
Reasons | Number | Percentage |
Need to print docs from the web | 147 | 66.8% |
Need to check/reply to email | 125 | 56.8% |
Need to print docs created at home | 107 | 48.6% |
To access student info | 98 | 44.5% |
Faster access to network | 97 | 44.1% |
Access the WWW | 93 | 42.3% |
Need to print docs created on campus computers | 76 | 34.5% |
Access to specialized software | 70 | 31.8% |
Campus computers more convenient | 53 | 24.1% |
Class meets in computer room | 46 | 20.9% |
Campus computers better than mine | 43 | 19.5% |
Access to specialized hardware | 37 | 16.8% |
Other | 21 | 9.5% |
Don't own a computer | 4 | 1.8% |
3. Do you own a computer?
Yes | 215 | 97.7% |
No | 4 | 1.8% |
4. Of those who own a computer:
Percentages are of those who own a computer, not total respondents.
Type | ||
Desktop | 162 | 75.3% |
Notebook | 50 | 23.3 |
Platform | ||
PC/IBM compatible | 198 | 92.1% |
Macintosh | 6 | 2.8% |
Other | 4 | 1.9% |
Don't Know | 3 | 1.4% |
Operating System | ||
Mac OS 7 | 1 | 0.5% |
Mac OS 8 | 2 | 0.9% |
Mac OS 9 | 2 | 0.9% |
Mac OS X | 0 | 0.0% |
Windows 95 | 9 | 4.2% |
Windows 98 | 93 | 43.3% |
Windows NT | 3 | 1.4% |
Windows 2000 | 38 | 17.7% |
Windows ME | 36 | 16.7% |
Windows XP | 25 | 11.6% |
Linux | 5 | 2.3% |
Other Unix | 0 | 0.0% |
Other | 2 | 0.9% |
Printer | ||
Ink Jet | 154 | 71.6% |
Laser | 24 | 11.2% |
None | 22 | 10.2% |
Don't know | 8 | 3.7% |
Other | 6 | 2.8% |
Dot Matrix | 1 | 0.5% |
DVD-ROM | ||
Yes | 89 | 41.4% |
No | 123 | 57.2% |
Don't Know | 2 | 0.9% |
CD-ROM | ||
Yes | 207 | 96.3% |
No | 8 | 3.7% |
Don't Know | 0 | 0.0% |
Zip drive | ||
Yes | 54 | 25.1% |
No | 141 | 65.6% |
Don't Know | 19 | 8.8% |
5. Would you use a computer of a different type or wait?
Number | Percentage | |
Use the available computer | 166 | 77.2% |
Wait until the type you own is available | 49 | 22.8% |
6. What email programs do you use?
Number | Percentage | |
myUCDavis | 102 | 46.4% |
Geckomail | 153 | 69.5% |
ISUN/Pine | 37 | 16.8% |
Eudora | 30 | 13.6% |
Outlook | 75 | 34.1% |
Entourage | 0 | 0.0% |
Other | 61 | 27.7% |
Other reported programs were hotmail(31), yahoo(15), AOL(11), Netscape(6),, Juno, and
7. Which email program do you use the most?
Number | Percentage | |
myUCDavis | 14 | 6.4% |
Geckomail | 74 | 33.6% |
ISUN/Pine | 8 | 3.6% |
Eudora | 24 | 10.9% |
Outlook | 58 | 26.4% |
Entourage | 0 | 0.0% |
Other | 33 | 15.0% |
8. When do you most often use the computer rooms?
Number | Percentage | |
8-10AM | 16 | 7.3% |
10AM-2PM | 84 | 38.2% |
2-5PM | 72 | 32.7% |
5-7PM | 16 | 7.3% |
After 7PM | 27 | 12.3% |
9. Primarily use the computer rooms ...
Number | Percentage | |
In-between classes on a casual, drop in basis | 147 | 66.8% |
During a time when you planned to do work in the campus computer lab | 43 | 19.5% |
During scheduled class time held at a computer classroom | 28 | 12.7% |
10. How long do you wait in line?
Number | Percentage | |
No line | 30 | 13.6% |
Less than 5 minutes | 34 | 15.5% |
5-10 minutes | 76 | 34.5% |
10-15 minutes | 45 | 20.5% |
15-30 minutes | 26 | 11.8% |
Over 30 minutes | 6 | 2.7% |
The top reasons why students use the computer rooms are to print items from the web (66.8%), access email (56.8%), and print files created at home (48.6%). We changed categories from the last survey but these are in line with the top reasons for the last four student surveys (printing and network access).
The percentage of students who own a computer
continued to rise to 97.7%.
This is up from 69% in Winter 1997, 74% in Winter 1998, 78.0% in Spring 1999, 85.3% in Winter
2000, and 91.2% in Winter 2001.
Macintosh ownership among students continues to remain low, from a high
of 22.2% in Winter 1997.
Laptop ownership increased slightly to 23% (it was 16-18% for past three surveys).
Ink Jets remain the most popular printers, which 71.6% of computer owners
having one.
CD-ROMs are installed on almost all computers. DVD-ROMs have come on strong
as they are installed on 41.4% of the computers. Zip drive ownership has
remained fairly low, so they cannot be seen as
a floppy replacement.
Web based email seems very popular with students. A number of students are still using external web-based mail even though Geckomail is now available.
Extended Analysis using correlations
Most of the correlations found from this survey are common sense, but there are several highly correlated variables that deserve attention.
There is a very high correlation between users who use the campus computers to access the web and those who use them for email (0.613) and for accessing student information such as RSVP and financial aid information (0.589). Between accessing student information and using email there is a correlation of 0.563. However, when those three categories are grouped, we find no evidence of correlation between the combined variable and any other variables in the survey. This suggests that there is a large group of students who use the labs for most of their main functions-convenience in checking email and student information, printing documents created at home and on campus as well as accessed from the web, and in general utilizing the fast network and relatively fast and powerful high-quality computers available on campus.
There is a significant correlation (0.371) between use of the labs because of faster network and for better overall computers, possibly meaning that many students do not have top-of-the-line computers or are not connected at home by a high-speed network. There are also very high correlations between valuation of web access (0.492) and email (0.557) and valuation of the combined variable of high-speed network, convenience of campus computers, and better overall computers than those at home.
Not surprisingly, there is a high correlation between students who use the labs and those who use the labs for classes (0.508, with 95% confidence). It is possible that usage and awareness of the labs is driven by assignment of classes within them.
There does not seem to be any major significance between class standing and reason for use of the labs; however, class standing does seem to be correlated with the use of the email client Eudora (0.200 at 95% confidence), and negatively with the use of zip drives (-0.162 at 90% confidence). This suggests that Eudora will be obsolete within a few years, and that use of zip drives will increase as older students leave the campus. Class standing is also negatively (weakly) correlated with the use of the Windows operating system (-0.163), meaning that as new students enter they use Windows with slightly more frequency than the outgoing class.
Zip drives are becoming increasingly popular with the younger classes, and the ownership of zip drives decreases with increasing class standing (-0.237).
Users of hotmail, yahoo, and other web-based email clients tend to use Geckomail much less, and Eudora and Outlook not at all.
There does not appear to be a significant correlation between operating system used at home and using the lab for software and hardware; this implies that any platform-specific media is generally used only on campus.
A negative correlation between use of the Windows operating system and network speed (-0.148) shows that MacOS users care less about network speed than Windows users.
There is a significant but relatively weak correlation (0.168) between the use of a DVD-ROM at home and those who value network speed on campus. Those who value network speed on campus also tend not to own a printer (-0.161) and to use a Macintosh operating system at home.
Detailed Email Usage Results
Correlations |
Freshman |
Sophomore |
Junior |
Senior |
Master's |
PhD |
Professional |
MyUCDavis |
Geckomail |
0.177 |
-0.165 |
ISUN/Pine |
0.213 |
Eudora |
-0.223 |
0.261 |
Outlook |
0.145 |
Other |
Percentages |
Freshman |
Sophomore |
Junior |
Senior |
Master's |
PhD |
Professional |
MyUCDavis |
0.00% |
7.89% |
7.46% |
3.08% |
0.00% |
12.50% |
0.00% |
Geckomail |
22.22% |
52.63% |
41.79% |
24.62% |
0.00% |
25.00% |
0.00% |
ISUN/Pine |
0.00% |
0.00% |
2.99% |
9.23% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
Eudora |
11.11% |
10.53% |
1.49% |
15.38% |
25.00% |
50.00% |
0.00% |
Outlook |
55.56% |
18.42% |
25.37% |
29.23% |
50.00% |
12.50% |
0.00% |
Other |
11.11% |
10.53% |
20.90% |
18.46% |
25.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
When each of the individual class groups is correlated against each individual email, each group tends to behave essentially identically in relation to each email program. See table 1.
There is a significant correlation between class standing and type of email program used: a group composed of seniors, Master's and Ph. D. candidates, and professional students clearly uses the Eudora and Outlook programs (0.176), and tends to stay away from web-based email such as Geckomail, MyUCDavis, and non-UCD servers (-0.233). The freshman-sophomore combined group showed no significant correlations, but the junior group's correlations had opposite signs from the older group. Juniors tend not to use Eudora and Outlook (0.164), but tend to use web-based email (0.179) instead. There are no significant correlations associated with ISUN/pine.
Freshman/Sophomore |
Juniors |
Seniors and Grad Students |
MyUCDavis |
Geckomail |
0.255 |
0.248 |
0.222 |
eudora |
0.199 |
0.179 |
0.22 |
outlook |
0.605 |
0.606 |
0.611 |
webmail |
0.146 |
0.166 |
0.158 |
Freshman/Sophomore |
Juniors |
Seniors and Grad Students |
Geckomail |
-0.235 |
0.148 |
eudora |
-0.223 |
0.223 |
outlook |
webmail |
Freshman/Sophomore |
Juniors |
Seniors and Grad Students |
all webmail |
0.179 |
-0.233 |
pop mail |
-0.164 |
0.176 |
URL: Last reviewed: Thu, 18-Jul-2002 Last updated: July 12, 2002 |
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