Lab Management would like to know how we can improve the quality of service in the computer classrooms. We have used feedback in the past to improve our services, and hope to use your feedback to improve further. Our records show that you taught a class in one of our computer classrooms during the last quarter. If you were not the person actually teaching in the room, please forward this message to that person (such as a TA). Please take a moment to fill out the survey and try to be as specific as possible. The survey contains ten questions which are listed below. To answer the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the square brackets provided. There is space for comments at the end of the survey. f you have taught in multiple classrooms, please respond for each classroom separately. For example, if you taught in both 21 Olson and 241 Olson please reply to this email twice, once for each room. This will allow us to match your comments with the specific computer classroom. Thank you for your time and input. Tim Leamy Information Resources ***** Computer Classroom Survey ***** 1. Which computer classroom did you teach in during the this quarter? (Please check only one. If you taught in multiple classroom, please reply separately for each classroom.) [] 1 Olson [] 21 Olson [] 27 Olson [] 241 Olson [] 247 Olson [] 301A SurgeIV [] 1102 Hart [] 1131 Meyer [] 1154 Meyer [] 163 Shields 2. Please describe the reservation process. How did you make your reservation? [] Email [] Phone [] WWW Form [] Don't Know/Someone else did it [] Other Were we able to accommodate your first request (both room and time)? [] Yes [] No [] N/A Please rate the overall ease of scheduling (1 to 5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst). [] Please rate the Lab Manager assigned to your class (1 to 5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst). [] Do you have any additional comments regarding the reservation process? [] 3. Please describe the preparedness of the room for your class. Was the room cleared out and ready for your class? [] Yes [] No Did the Computer Room Consultant explain the "Class in Session" sign to you and ask you which setting you preferred? [] Yes [] No Do you have any additional comments regarding room preparedness? [] 4. Please rate the physical room in the following areas. (1 to 5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst) [] Cleanliness [] Lighting [] Overhead projector [] Room layout [] Temperature [] Sound Do you have any additional comments regarding the room? [] 5. Please rate the computers in the following areas. (1 to 5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst) [] Speed [] Reliability [] Software [] Usability [] Appropriateness for your needs Do you have any additional comments regarding the computers? [] 6. Please rate the Computer Room Consultants in the following areas (1 to 5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst) [] Knowledge [] Helpfulness [] Courtesy [] Availability Do you have any additional comments regarding the Computer Room Consultants? [] 7. Which platform do you prefer for your classes? [] Mac [] PC [] Doesn't matter - will use either 8. If you didn't teach in the same computer classroom last year, please skip to #9. Otherwise, compare the teaching environment for this quarter as compared to the last time you taught in the room. Is it: [] better [] worse [] about the same. Please let us know why: [ ] 9. What can Lab Management do to make your teaching experience using computer classrooms better? [] 10. Do you have any other comments about the computer classrooms. [] Thank you for your time and input. Tim Leamy Information Resources
Reservation Method
Num Percentage 11 44.0% Phone 7 28.0% WWW Form 0 0% Don't Know/Someone else did it 6 24.0% Other 1 4.0% Accommodated first request
Num Percentage Yes 19 65.5% No 6 20.7% N/A 4 13.8% Average rated overall ease of scheduling (1-5, with 1 the best): 1.7
Average rated Lab Manager assigned to class (1-5, with 1 the best): 1.8
Additional Comments
- I didn't check the email you sent for the class until the day of the class and discovered it was for the wrong day - MY Fault for not reading my email. I was able to call and get the room - THANKS for saving me.
- Tim Leamy was great promptly responding and resolving any problem. I did not have contact with any other person in the labs.
- Overall I had a positive experience (easy prompt) with reservation process.
- The reservation process was both efficient and flexible as they were able to adjust to changes durng the quarter.
- Never interacted with the Lab Manager
Was the room cleared and ready?
Num Percentage Yes 14 56.0% No 8 32.0% Did the CRC explain the class in session sign.
Num Percentage Yes 7 28.0% No 14 56.0% Additional Comments
- no except to reiterate that it was very well prepared.
- The class was filled with students but this was understandable considering we fixed the reservation just hours before. The students left when asked. No problem
- I don't mind kicking people out myself.
- On two out of four occasions the room was not cleared of students ahead of the class
- Yes: the room was always ready even at 8:00.
- Sometimes the room was "cleared out" and sometimes not. The practice seemed inconsistent. The problem was rarely serious in the morning labs but often a hassle in the afternoon labs.
- Preparedness was uneven some days lab consultant performed admirably other times I had to ask students to clear room
Ratings of the physical rooms (1-5, 1 the best)
Cleanliness 1.7 Lighting 2.0 Overhead projector 1.8 Room layout 1.9 Temperature 2.1 Sound 1.6 Additional Comments
- Lighting needed to be dimmed greatly to see the screen. At this stage it may be too expensive to do otherwise but hopefully in the next few years the technology will be there and will be cheap enough to get atound this. It was still better than I anticipated. (27 Olson)
- Yes: sometimes the recylcing paper bin was left unemptied for several weeks. it has been better later in thre quarter but was a problem earlier. Site attendants had to call several times to get them to come empty recycle bin. Also: the overhead projector was a bit unreliable sometimes hard to get to project. the image is not the greatest even with room dark. layout not optimal for all stations to view it. I used it rarely but it was not always smooth when I did.(1131 Meyer)
- The overhead projector only became useful after I asked that it be fixed. It was not ready to use in the first week of term. (27 Olson)
- Olson 27 was nicely laid out... but perhaps there should have been information about how to make the appearance of the computer on the screen larger... some students had difficulty seeing. (27 Olson)
- It would benefit the students to have some lighting while the projector is on but the room has to be really dark to see the screen (301A SurgeIV)
- The air conditioner in too loud to talk over. (301A SurgeIV)
Ratings of the computers (1-5, 1 the best)
Speed 1.9 Reliability 2.1 Software 1.9 Usability 1.6 Appropriateness for needs 1.7 Additional Comments
- yes sometime the SAS for Windows does strange things at individual work stations. You can have 2 students sitting next to each other putting in exactly the same commands for the same data and one will get the job to run and the other student's job will show that the job is running but it never completes. This latter student then will have to go out of SAS come back in the next time it runs. I don't understand how this can happen but it does and it frustrates me and the students. (301A SurgeIV)
- The image scanning software on the Macs tended to crash. There was no documentation for the character recognition software on the Windows machines. The multiple-slide slide imaging hardware for the Nikon slide imager did not work. (1154 Meyer)
- Good systems a little slow to load software. Sometimes not up to date. Netscape is now up to 4.7 but older browsers are on computers. (This may be best until new systems are show to be stable however.) (1 Olson, 21 Olson, 27 Olson, 1131 Meyer)
- Yes: There was a frequent problem with keyboards freezing corrected almost always by unplugging and replugging the keyboard. this is annoying and if possible should be diagnosed and fixed. Also: It is disturbing to have someone run a long print job from a remote location that prints in this lab. I have had 40 page papers with graphics tie up the machine during lab hours. I can control printing for people in the room but can't do anything about remotely instigated jobs. (1131 Meyer)
- The chairs need to be replaced they are uncomfortable and some are falling apart. (1131 Meyer)
- Given my use of Front Page 2000 in both sets of labs it really is essential to have IE 5.0 as well as Netscape 4.X available as a browser. (27 Olson)
- One of the Macs was being temperamental (1154 Meyer)
- Some of my students could not open the pdf files I put on the web. I was contacted by the lab personnel in an effort to change the computer setting in the web or the way my pdf files were made. But nothing seemed to happen in the end and I do not know why the effort stopped. (27 Olson)
- All software is the same version and universal with the other labs. Standard fonts. (1102 Hart)
- There are about three or four monitors that are dying the color is very bad and at least two A drives that don't always work I have told David about this for the last year. (301A SurgeIV)
Ratings of the Computer Room Consultants (1-5, 1 the best)
Knowledge 1.7 Helpfulness 1.7 Courtesy 1.5 Availability 1.9 Additional Comments
- They are all extremely helpful know their stuff pretty well etc.
- Super!
- Consultant showed up late
Num Percentage Mac 5 20.0% PC 19 76.0% Either 1 4.0%
Num Percentage Better 5 20.0% Worse 1 4.0% About the same 7 28.0% Better
Worsethe projector was much better (301A SurgeIV) The computers have been upgraded since the last time I was in there (1131 Meyer) Because you filled the room with brand new equipment -- and had it redecorated. :-) (27 Olson) It seems that the lab management/personnel is more helpful (or more willing to help) this year compared to before. better layout more roomy (1 Olson) About the sameunreliability of computers (1 Olson) Still having some scheduling problems compared to two years ago when it went very smoothly. the only real difference was the computer tech.
Question #3 shows we need to work on room preparednes. The rooms were cleared out only 56% of the time. The CRC explained the class in session signs only 28% of the time. It seems that room preparednes is inconsistent from day to day. This is most likely due to the different CRC on duty each day.
Question #7 was intended to show how flexible faculty are in regards to platform. The results clearly show that most faculty prefer their platform. We had intended to determine if faculty would use a different platform than their preferred one, but the wording of the questions wasn't specific enough. We will need to ask a similar question in the future. But the low number of faculty who prefer either leads us to believe that most faculty are tied to their preferred platform.
Lab Management Responses
Lab Management identified several issues in this survey which we plan to
address during the next year.
URL: Last reviewed: Thu, 18-Jul-2002 Last updated: January 24, 2000 |
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