Student Survey - Winter 2001
Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys
Survey Text
On 3/23/2001 the following survey was set to 1000 students who had used
the computer classrooms since the start of the Winter quarter.
Lab Management is constantly trying to refine and improve the campus
computer rooms. We would like your input to determine what changes you
feel would improve our services.
Your name was selected by a random sample of all computer room users.
As a result, your responses to this survey represent many users. Please
reply to this survey so that your views will be properly represented.
The survey contains eleven questions which are listed below. To answer
the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions
below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square
brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your
responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the
square brackets provided. There is a space for comments at the end of the
Thank you for your time and input.
Tim Leamy
Information Resources
***** Computer Room Survey *****
1. Why do you use the computer rooms (please mark all that apply)
[] Don't own a computer
[] Need to access the network (e.g., Netscape, email, Eudora, Telnet)
[] Need to print
[] Need to access class software or information
[] Need to access to special hardware (scanners, video editors, etc.)
[] Campus computers are more convenient than mine
[] Campus computers work better than mine
[] Required for class
[] Class meets in a computer room
[] To access Registrar services (RSVP, Degree Navigator, etc)
[] Other (please describe): []
2. Do you own a computer?
[] YES
[] NO (If NO please skip to question #4.)
3. If you own a computer please answer the following: (If you own more
than one computer please respond for the one you use most often.)
Type: [] Desktop [] Laptop
Platform: [] Macintosh [] PC/IBM compatible (Windows)
[] Other [] Don't know
Operating System: (check all that apply)
[] Mac OS 7 [] Mac OS 8 [] Mac OS 9
[] Windows 95 [] Windows 98 [] Windows NT
[] Windows 2000
[] Linux [] Other Unix
[] Other
Printer: [] None [] Dot Matrix [] Ink Jet
[] Laser [] Other
[] Don't Know
Does is have a CD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
Does it have a Zip drive: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
If you are waiting for a computer in a lab, and one of the other type is
available (ie. You own a PC but a Mac is available) would you:
[] Use the available computer
[] Wait until the type you own is available
4. How often do you use the campus computer rooms?
[] More than once a day
[] Daily
[] A few times a week
[] Weekly
[] Monthly
5. Does the department of your major (or field of study) have computer
labs available for your use?
[] Yes
[] No (If NO please skip to question #6.)
[] Don't know (If Don't know please skip to question #6.)
[] Not Applicable (I've yet to declare a major. - skip to question #6.)
6. Which do you use more?
[] Department computer labs
[] Campus computer rooms
Why? [ ]
7. Which of these items will improve service to you in the computer
rooms? Please rank the THREE most important by placing 1, 2 or 3 in the
brackets provided, using 1 for the most important.
[] Open later hours (after midnight)
[] More open use time (i.e. no classes in session)
[] More staff
[] Better trained staff
[] Newer equipment
[] More computers
[] More quick or print-only stations
[] More centrally located computer rooms
[] Other (please describe): []
8. Please rate the ease of finding an available computer on campus to
[] Easy
[] Sometimes easy
[] Moderately difficult
[] Difficult
[] Extremely difficult
9. How long do you wait in line on average?
[] No line, so I don't have to wait
[] 1-5 minutes
[] 5-10 minutes
[] 10-15 minutes
[] 15-30 minutes
[] Over 30 minutes
10. Is there any additional software that you feel should be loaded on
the computers?
11. If there was one thing that we should do better, what would it be?
Thank you for your time and input.
Survey Results
There were 279 responses. Of those 251 were usable.
Reasons for using computer rooms |
Need to print |
191 |
76.1% |
Need to access the network |
124 |
49.4% |
Need to access class software or information |
117 |
46.6% |
Campus computers are more convenient than mine |
101 |
40.2% |
Campus computers work better than mine |
73 |
29.1% |
Required for class |
58 |
23.1% |
Class meets in a computer room |
52 |
20.7% |
Access to Registrar services |
78 |
31.1% |
Other |
78 |
31.1% |
Specialized hardware |
45 |
17.9% |
Don't own a computer |
21 |
8.4% |
Own a computer |
Yes |
228 |
91.2% |
No |
18 |
7.2% |
Of those who own a computer:
Percentages are of those who own a computer, not total respondents.
How often do you use the computer rooms? |
More than once per day |
21 |
8.4% |
Daily |
36 |
14.3% |
A few times per week |
88 |
35.1% |
Weekly |
55 |
21.9% |
Monthly |
47 |
18.7% |
Is there a departmental computer lab? |
Yes |
100 |
39.8% |
No |
62 |
24.7% |
Don't know |
81 |
32.2% |
N/A (undeclared) |
5 |
2.0% |
Which labs do students use more? |
Departmental |
50 |
50.0% |
Campus |
47 |
47.0% |
Most important way to improve computer classrooms |
Ranking |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
Total |
More computers |
72 |
56 |
30 |
358 |
More quick or printing stations |
40 |
40 |
35 |
235 |
More open use time |
36 |
35 |
45 |
223 |
More centrally located computer rooms |
14 |
32 |
38 |
144 |
Open later hours |
19 |
15 |
15 |
102 |
Newer equipment |
10 |
8 |
12 |
58 |
Other |
5 |
5 |
7 |
32 |
Better trained staff |
5 |
3 |
6 |
27 |
More staff |
3 |
2 |
1 |
14 |
Total is computed by (number of 1st's) x 3 + (number of 2nd's) x 2 +
(number of 3rd's).
Ease of finding free computer to use |
Easy |
38 |
15.1% |
Sometimes easy |
123 |
49.0% |
Moderately difficult |
68 |
27.1% |
Difficult |
13 |
5.2% |
Extremely difficult |
5 |
2.0% |
How long do you wait in line? |
No line |
34 |
13.5% |
1-5 minutes |
51 |
20.3% |
5-10 minutes |
67 |
26.7% |
10-15 minutes |
65 |
25.5% |
15-30 minutes |
22 |
8.8% |
Over 30 minutes |
4 |
1.6% |
Additional software that should be loaded on the computers
- Mathematica Matlab S+ MathCAD MS Project MS Publisher
- fetch needs to be on all the computers
- Xemacs text editor
- Exceed3D
- possibly database access for certain scientific sites
- Graphics software should be loaded on all computers adobe flash 3d editing etc.
- Use Windows NT or 2000 on PC's since they have better security and crash a lot less. Image editor (ie Photoshop) would also be nice
- secure shell
- the programs have been adequate for my use so far
- No but sometimes the programs are not available because the licenses expired. That is
annoying. Another point: it would be nice if we could get online accesses to more journals in the
- MaxPlus+ II (for my major =) )
- print shop
- An X server such as MI/X ( secure
shell clients such as Putty (for Windows -
tatham/putty/) or NiftyTelnet (ssh1 for Mac -
freeware/niftyssh/) or MacSSH (ssh2 for Mac -
- .zip utility
- Napster..heehee
- forgot the name: ask Biochem teachers (Dr. Sprechman Dr. Hilt) which graphing software they recommend to MCB 120L students or ask Dr. Irwin Segel which data software he recommends to his MCB 123 students - every quarter students need
these programs but have no access since Briggs is closed early and located way t
he heck out there!
- netscape 6 or other mozilla based browser
- no I think the computers are pretty well equipped. They are there for simple
use writing papers checking email etc. They don't need to be equipped with to
o many programs people would just get confused and just complain more.
- Include software that can display Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters.
- not sure
- definitely more software is needed on the macs in the hart hall lab loike
word processors and such
- Photoshop Dreamweaver
- make sure it has acrobat reader updated microsoft word browsers
- Some games would be nice
- Microsoft Works
- power point
- no i only use the internet and sometimes word
- scanner
- ftp
- 3D Studio MAX(PC) Photoshop 6(MAC PC) Maya 3 Unlimited(MAC PC)(a bit expensive but hey we're at a university and we should be able to access this software to keep on top of the industry)
- Access on the Macs
One thing that we can do better
- Have more computers
- Re: question 9. If there aren't any open computers I don't bother waiting. I use campus computers so that I don't have to turn mine on at
home quite
so soon to check my email so if there is a line it's annoying but not devastating.
- Increase the number of computers
- Longer hours
- Chain staplers up if you have to. You have way to many macs it looks like a
lot of people avoid them or use them reluctantly. A higher PC to mac ratio would be better.
- stop idiots from printing hundreds of pages at once
- Some people just want to print or check email but have to wait for others w
ho are in the lab for hours typing essays. Designated areas could help that (print only etc)
- The wireless internet cards are the greatest thing in the world! The only thing that would make them better is if laptop users could print to the computer
lab using the cards. You would free up so many computers if us laptop users didn't have to use the computer lab just to print.
- do not have those classes in the computer room but if you have to do that
make more computer rooms that is available all the time.
- You're doing a good job. :)
- Other than adding more printers not too much
- use recycled paper
- You guys are doing a good job =)
- more quick stations
- They are pretty good.
- Increase computer availability and more high-end computers g4 gigahertz
- allow students to print multiple copies I had an incident this quarter where I was not aware we could not print multiple copies and a lab tech confiscate
d one of my copies. This was a 13 page lecture for my chemistry class which is
posted only one hour before beginning of class I explained to the tech the other copy was for my friend and she threw it in the recycle bin anyway. This was frustrating to me because I went to meet my friend and we had to walk all the
way back to the computer lab and wait in line again so she could print out another copy. Not to mention the waste of paper that was I think we are all adults and should be allowed to print what we feel is necessary for our personal needs.
- I think the most pressing need is just to have more computers especially
PCs. Lines are usually long and people get frustrated and tense when they have to wait especially in the MU or library. I avoid
using the computer labs
if possible because it's so much more convenient to use my own at home. I only use the labs if I have to print out long
documents from the web or if I have a lot of free time on campus.
- I really do not use campus computer labs unless it is a specific requirement for the class (i.e. scheduled class in lab). It is more convenient for me to
access my own.
- provide more new computers in the CS lab
- Shorter lines for waiting
- My biggest complaint would be with the crowds.
- make the networks or programs that we have to register for classes more confidential or more secure/safer
- more printers that seems to be what people have to wait for the most
- make more space available between the computers. It is hard to work from notes because there is no room to keep them.
- more computers in mu area that is the only place where the line is unbearable.
- I think all printers should have options for double-sided printing. This
would save papers. Most professors also allow double-sided reports.
- should have staple
- Have more of the printers that print on both sides in order to cut paper use
- Although it's not a problem for me since I have access to the EEC labs people without access to department labs must sometimes wait ridiculously long just
to get a one or two page printout in some of the more crowded labs. So add more printers or improve the printer queuing system
- Get more PC computers
- the computers in hart hall don't allow access to non web pages
but this also excludes access to site and other internal vet
med web sites.
- More flexibility lessen restrictions
- regulating use of computers i.e. people who are just sending emails vs. people who actually need to use the computer for class to write a paper. people who
just check email for leisure use take up a lot of other students time who need
to write a paper etc.
- nothing really i think that you guys are doing a good job keeping the rooms
available for student use.
- turn down the heater
- everything seems fine but more accessible cs account space would be nice.
- All people are doing fine the only problem is the waiting time i.e. the a
mount of computer available and it's really a resources problem and i think it
's hard to solve though
- More computers in additional areas
- Have more computer rooms available. Actually I always get a computer at Surge IV so I just always go there. It surprises me that people wait in such long lines at the MU or at that building across from Hart when there are computers
available at Surge IV. Of course I don't tell them though because I don't wan
t them to go over there.
- Better accompany UNIX users with X support :); and our need for security with ssh clients :) You guys are already doing great -- Thanks!
- Set up some printing-only computers so people can walk in print and leave i
f they are in a hurry instead of waiting for 30 minutes to use a computer for 15
- add more open access labs
- I don't know if this falls under your jurisdiction but I'd like to see more laptop stations. Like just a desk with ethernet access and a power outlet so
people can plug in around the MU area.
- I think everything is relatively fine. The only problem I find is that there are not enough computer rooms that are open for general use therefore leading
to a long waiting period.
- Get more Macs... maybe newer ones.
- focus on getting us what will help us in the business world. don't try to be trendy to please us. Thanks.
- The quick print stations are very nice should be in every lab
- open 24 hours lab
- more computers more printers more scanners longer hours...have a late night
lab that is like open til 1
- more computers would be helpful and probably cut down on the waiting time
- put directions of flyers around school as to how to get to the computer room
- decrease the time one has to wait in line.
- have more printers to reduce waiting in print queue
- I would say to have more labs that are Open Access all the time like the lab at the MU Shields or TB114. If that could be possible in Olsen I think that would help a lot since there aren't any open labs on that side of campus.
- Have more computer available
- Get more computers
- put more web access comps throughout the library not just in the library cmputer room
- temperature too hot in the room
- more print only stations
- maybe just ensure that the computers don't freeze although I know this is not really under your
control but maybe just monitor more
- temperature control and monthly cleaning of mouse and keyboard maybe? They are pretty gross after a while
- more IBMS in the computer labs than Macs. Most people are waiting for IBMs
so they can work off disks.
- More Printers
- make sure that the print only stations are only used for that purpose and
not for people typing papers.
- More printers
- more computers!!!
- more computers and hours extending past 10 p.m. on school days
- Make the computer rooms open later just like the MU Station was open until 2AM during finals. That was very helpful and I would definitely
use the
labs at night if they were open late every night and not just during finals.
- Two things: Have more printers! Sometimes you have to wait 15 minutes for your paper to print out!! I have given up more than once. I think there is some
abuse here. People should be limited to a certain number of pages a quarter and
then charged for the overage. Or you need to get a lot more printers. It's especially bad by the MU. The other thing is that there should be an express line
(s) computer station(s) for those just needing to access an assignment to print
out or to just check e-mail. My professors use their web sites a lot to post H
W and other stuff. It would only take 2-3 minutes to access it print it out (i
f there were more printers or more restrictions or both) and get out of the lab
for someone else to use the station. You could have maybe 2 computers designated during high peak hours only to be these quick access computers. You would really eliminate some of the log jam. Better yet have a designated printer for
those 2 computers. It could even be a cheap ink jet. Another thing I just thought of is that many of the keyboards in the labs all over campus have their letters and numbers worn off.
Keyboards are not that expensive. Could these be replaced? Than would be great!! And finally thanks for asking for input!!!!!
- more open hours
- just adding more computers in the library since that is the one i use most
often also in the one by the MU. These are the ones with the most people going to them all day long and between classes and the ones with the fewest computers. They are also the best located ones.
- There are far too few computers to match with the demand at least at the high-use computer labs. Often I plan on printing something up really quick in a
lab so that I can turn it in to a class. I rarely have ease in finding a stati
on where I can print my papers up quickly. I do recommend you creating stations
that are print only.
- less classes during peak use times--like right before finals or during mid
- You're doing a fine job
- Have more computers available.
- print in color?
- more available use time in Olson
- I just wish there were more places there were for email and that people had
a limited time on a quick check of your email and then go.
- have more comp labs and more comps and longer access hours
- if even one person waited for more than 30 minutes than these labs better h
ave more computers. i would be very upset and i cant imagine anyone who had the
patience to wait for more than 30 minutes. Second more PCs and less Macintosh
because over 90 percent uses PC
- have more computers available
- don't know looks good
- more computer rooms throughout campus that are accessible throughout the day so someone at haring doesn't have to walk to the MU
- I know that there are a lot of equipment/programs in the media lab but train the CRCs in that lab to really understand how they work so if any technical
difficulties come up then they can help fix it. CRCs can also then give suggestions on how to use programs (ie. media 100) to make projects better too. Over
all however I find the staff to be friendly and helpful. Thanks and keep up
the great job!
- open on sunday
- staplers in the computer lab
- accessibility is the key!!!
- Have labs and attached study areas open later especially during exam times
- more better staff
- more printers in the labs b/c some people print a lot of material and it takes a while to get to mine. this is frustrating when i have to go to class rig
ht after the lab.
- get rid of Macs--they freeze too much
- maintain the disk drives on the computers in the meyer computer lab
- Making sure that open access computers are more readily available.
- make sure that people are following the rules of time limit
- the library is open until midnight but the computer lab there is not only small but it closes very early. It would be very helpful if the library lab were
larger but more importantly open until midnight also. that way a student could still do research and return to the lab without having to walk all the way to
the M.U at night.
- Keep the printers from breaking down or have more printers
- Waiting for the next available pc in the computer lab takes some time especially when all I have to do is to print out a paper.
- provide a more experienced staff. I don't know how many times someone in the
re has not been able to help me. My roomate has also complained about the same thing.
- have more computer rooms available
- reserve some computers for printing class stuff only (not for typing or e-mailing) as it usually only takes few minutes
- decrease waiting time
- staplers please (bolt them to the tables)
- Have newer Macs
- We should have more computer labs
- add more com. rooms; they don't have to be big just so more rooms are avail
- More available PC's
- work on making the waiting line shorter
- The Castilian LRC should have been open during finals week... all the other
ones were except that they closed Castilian.
- Purchase more CD writers
- more computers are needed
- have less mac's!!!! and make e-mail easier. the pine program sucks! i really
like the new geckomail but that is more for computers not on the network. some
times there has been a long wait and so then unless it is an emergency (usually
a emergency printing job i don't wait but just leave. there usually isn't a wait
though which is awesome
- from what i've experienced the labs are doing pretty good. I design computer graphics and render 3D animations; all i need is better graphics tools.
- more air or more open windows in computer labs
- have more print station designated computers
- The only problem I've had is the long wait in line sometimes I'm in a > hu
rry and just need to print out homework problems. Otherwise the labs > have be
en of great service!
- more open PCs they seem to get used much more than the Macs
- train the staff so they know more about multimedia and fix broken computers
- More computers
- I think a lot of people use the computer lab solely to check email. Thus it
frustrates me when I enter the computer lab to write a paper and I have to wait
because people are chatting on line. Yes I do have priority but nobody actually enforces it to avoid confrontations. I recommend placing email access computers in both sections of the coffee house and silo (like the ones in the library)
. This would help alleviate the problem and since the silo and coffee house close at around 10p they would be protected when no staff is around. I've seen this done at Emory University and other college campuses. Thank you for the survey
- I think the Shields library computer labs should be open all hours the library is open. That way I can easily print melvyl searches. It is very inconvienient to have to write them down or send them to my account to print elsewhere.
Survey Interpretation
The top reasons why students use the computer rooms are access to printers
(76.1%), access to the network (49.4%), and access to class software
(46.6%). These same three items were the top reasons for the last
three student surveys. However, the printing has risen from 58% in Winter
98 to 76% now, while network access has dropped form 62% to 50%. It will
be interesting to see if printing continues to rise.
The percentage of students who own a computer
continued to rise to 91.2%.
This is up from 69% in Winter 1997, 74% in Winter 1998, 78.0% in Spring 1999,
and 85.3% in Winter 2000..
Macintosh ownership among students continues to remain low, from a high
of 22.2% in Winter 1997.
Laptop ownership remained steady at around 18% (was 16-17% for past three surveys).
Ink Jets remain the most popular printers, which 65.1% of computer owners
having one.
CD_ROMs are installed on almost all computers. Zip drive ownership increased
from 17.2% in Winter 2000 to 27.5%. But this is still fairly low, so they cannot be seen as
a floppy replacement.
Most students use the computer rooms fairly often (71.3%
use them daily - weekly).
Almost 40% of students have access to a departmental
computer room. Of those with access to a departmental lab, half used it primarily.
For the
fifth year in a row the most desired improvements for the computer rooms
voiced by the students is more computers. More quick or printing
stations and more open use time were a strong second tier.
More centrally located computer rooms and open later hours grouped in a lower tier of support, while the other improvements
received little support. It appears students are more concerned about
access to the computer rooms as opposed to the quality of the service provided
in those rooms.
The computer rooms are heavily utilized and students rated
more computers as the top possible inprovement, but overall students report reasonable
access to a computer. Roughly 64% report that finding a computer is easy
or sometimes easy, and 60% reported waiting in line less than 10 minutes (86%
less than 15 minutes).
Other Surveys
Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys
Last reviewed: Thu, 18-Jul-2002
Last updated: May 8, 2000 |
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