Computer Lab Management would like to know how we can improve the quality of service in the computer classrooms. We have used feedback in the past to improve our services and facilities, and hope to use your feedback to improve further. Our records show that you taught a class in one of our computer classrooms during the last quarter. If you were not the person actually teaching in the room, please forward this message to that person (such as a TA). Please take a moment to fill out the survey and try to be as specific as possible. The survey contains ten questions which are listed below. To answer the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the square brackets provided. There is space for comments at the end of the survey. If you have taught in multiple classrooms, please respond for each classroom separately. For example, if you taught in both 21 Olson and 241 Olson please reply to this email twice, once for each room. This will allow us to match your comments with the specific computer classroom. Thank you for your time and input. Tim Leamy Computer Lab Management ***** Computer Classroom Survey ***** 1. Which computer classroom did you teach in during the this quarter? (Please check only one. If you taught in multiple classroom, please reply separately for each classroom.) [] 1 Olson [] 21 Olson [] 27 Olson [] 241 Olson [] 247 Olson [] 301A SurgeIV [] 1102 Hart [] 1131 Meyer [] 1154 Meyer [] 163 Shields 2. How long have you been teaching in the computer rooms? [] First time [] Less than a year [] 1-3 years [] More that three years 3. Please describe the preparedness of the room for your class. Was the room cleared out and ready for your class? [] Yes [] No Did the Computer Room Consultant explain the "Class in Session" sign to you and ask you which setting you preferred? [] Yes [] No Do you have any additional comments regarding room preparedness? [ ] 4. Was your class ever delayed or interrupted by ... (please indicate the number of times each occurred) [] hardware/software failure [] AV/projection failure [] room not cleared out prior to class [] students entering the room during your class [] a class held prior to yours running over its scheduled time [] a double scheduling (two classes scheduled for the same time) [] Other [ ] 5. Please rate the computers in the following areas. (1 to 5, with 5 the best and 1 the worst) [] Speed [] Reliability [] Software [] Usability [] Appropriateness for your needs Do you have any additional comments regarding the computers? [ ] 6. Please rate the Computer Room Consultants in the following areas (1 to 5, with 5 the best and 1 the worst) [] Knowledge [] Helpfulness [] Courtesy [] Availability Were you able to find the Computer Room Consultant when you needed help? [] Yes [] No Do you have any additional comments regarding the Computer Room Consultants? [ ] 7. If you didn't teach in the same computer classroom last year, please skip to #8. Otherwise, compare the teaching environment for this quarter as compared to the last time you taught in the room. Is it: [] better [] worse [] about the same. Please let us know why: [ ] 8. Computer Lab Management recently implemented double-sided printing and instituted a printing charge for every sheet used in excess of 200 sheets. We would like to know the impact on instruction regarding the changes: Double-sided printing [] no noticeable impact [] improved printing times [] received double-sided papers from students that should have been single sided [] received complaints from students Please give us any additional comments and/or observations regarding double-sided printing: [ ] Charging for printing [] no noticeable impact [] students requested more pre-printed materials [] students requested less paper intensive electronic documents [] received complaints from students Please give us any additional comments and/or observations regarding print charging: [ ] 9. What can Computer Lab Management do to make your teaching experience using computer classrooms better? [ ] 10. Do you have any other comments about the computer classrooms. [ ] Thank you for your time and input.
Num Percentage First time 6 33.3% Less than one year 0 0% One to three years 6 33.3% More than three years 6 33.3%
Was the room cleared and ready?
Num Percentage Yes 14 77.8% No 4 22.2% Did the CRC explain the class in session sign.
Num Percentage Yes 3 16.7% No 15 83.3% Additional Comments
- all ok
- I have no problem clearing people out when it is time for my classes.
- Great to be able to use the computer lab.
- occasional trouble getting other users from before my class to get out
- I should have said something but the last class seemed to roll over into my lab hours. I worked one on one with the students from my class and it was aggravating to have excess talking and activity while I was trying to explain the material.
- we had to start late due to people being in the room
- the CRC was very inattentive
Number of instructors reporting problem | Percentage | |
hardware/software failure | 3 | 16.7% |
AV/projection failure | 2 | 11.1% |
room not cleared out prior to class | 4 | 22.2% |
students entering room during your class | 5 | 27.8% |
a class prior to yours running over its scheduled time | 1 | 5.6% |
a double scheduling (two classes scheduled for the same time) | 0 | 0% |
Ratings of the computers (1-5, 5 the best)
Speed 4.4 Reliability 4.4 Software 4.6 Usability 4.8 Appropriateness for needs 4.8 Additional Comments
- it's wonderful that we have this number of computers available
- everything worked
- funky arrangement - but it is a funky space. (163 Shields)
Ratings of the Computer Room Consultants (1-5, 5 the best)
Knowledge 4.0 Helpfulness 4.0 Courtesy 3.8 Availability 3.9 Were you able to find the Computer Room Consultant when you needed help?
Num Percentage Yes 11 61.1% No 4 22.2% Additional Comments
- the consultants were not much better prepared than I was
- I have not been personally in the room most of the time the TA was and he is gone
- communicated prior to class but the person wasn't there to help during class and we ran into several problems.
- They are very good at scheduling classes the same day over the phone.
- It was my fault I didn't say something
- did not need to use them in this lab to clear space since it is large and I was teaching a small lab group
Num Percentage Better 1 5.6% Worse 0 0% About the same 6 33.3% Better
About the same
- The remodel was complete and worked like I had anticipated (301A SurgeIV)
- No problems.
- Everything has always gone well for us. Thank you.
- always excellent
Number of responses Percentage no noticeable impact 12 66.7% improved printing times 0 0% received double-sided papers from students that should have been single sided 1 5.6% received complaints from students 2 11.1% Comments:
- Makes grading more difficult
- takes longer to print causing a student back-up
Number of responses Percentage no noticeable impact 12 66.7% students requested more pre-printed materials 0 0% students requested less paper intensive electronic documents 1 5.6% received complaints from students 1 5.6% Comments:
- Students more likely to do things correctly the first time
Question #3 shows we need to work on room preparedness. While the rooms were cleared most of the time, the CRC did not explain the class in session sign very often.
Question #4 shows we still need to work towards reducing class interruptions. We need to do a better job clearing out the computer classroom and preventing students from entering a class in session.
The overall computer rating was very good. Each measure was 4.4 or higher on a scale of 5.
The overall ratings of the CRCs were good. Each measure was 3.8 or higher on a scale of 5. However, the comments and detailed results show that the rating are inconsistent among CRCs. This may be a training issue.
Question #7 shows that the renovation of 301A SurgeIV made it a better teaching room. Other than that there was not much change.
Question #8 shows that the double-sided and print charging did not have much effect on faculty.
We are contacting the faculty to determine what changes we can make to address the suggestions from questions #9 and 10.
URL: Last reviewed: Thu, 18-Jul-2002 Last updated: January 17, 2002 |
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