Student Survey - Spring 2000
Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys
Survey Text
On 5/27/2000 the following survey was set to 1000 students who had used
the computer classrooms since the start of the Spring quarter.
Lab Management is constantly trying to refine and improve the campus
computer rooms. We would like your input to determine what changes you
feel would improve our services.
Your name was selected by a random sample of all computer room users.
As a result, your responses to this survey represent many users. Please
reply to this survey so that your views will be properly represented.
The survey contains 12 questions which are listed below. To answer
the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions
below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square
brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your
responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the
square brackets provided. There is a space for comments at the end of the
Thank you for your time and input.
Tim Leamy
Information Resources
***** Computer Room Survey *****
1. Which computer rooms did you use during last quarter?
(Choose all that apply)
[] MU Station [] TB114 [] 301B SurgeIV
[] 1 Olson [] 21 Olson [] 27 Olson
[] 241 Olson [] 247 Olson [] 301A SurgeIV
[] 1102 Hart [] 1131 Meyer [] 1154 Meyer
[] 163 Shields
2. Which computer room did you use the most during last quarter?
(Choose only one)
[] MU Station [] TB114 [] 301B SurgeIV
[] 1 Olson [] 21 Olson [] 27 Olson
[] 241 Olson [] 247 Olson [] 301A SurgeIV
[] 1102 Hart [] 1131 Meyer [] 1154 Meyer
[] 163 Shields
3. Please rate the ease of finding an available computer on campus to
[] Easy
[] Sometimes easy
[] Moderately difficult
[] Difficult
[] Extremely difficult
4. Please rate the Computer Room Consultants in the following areas (1 to
5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst)
[] Computer Knowledge [] Helpfulness
[] Courtesy [] Availability
5. Please rate the knowledge of the Computer Room Consultants in the
following areas (1 to 5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst)
[] Email [] Network Programs
[] Printing [] Micosoft Office
[] General Windows Programs [] General Mac Programs
6. What type of questions have you asked the Computer Room Consultants?
[] Email [] Network Programs
[] Printing [] Microsoft Office
[] Computer crashed [] Where is the bathroom, etc.
[] Other []
7. Do you have any other comments about the Computer Room Consultants?
8. Please rate the general cleanliness of the computer room
(1 to 5, with 1 the best and 5 the worst)
9. Which of these items will improve service to you in the computer
rooms? Please rank the THREE most important by placing 1, 2 or 3 in the
brackets provided, using 1 for the most important.
[] More computers
[] More staff
[] Better trained staff
[] Newer equipment
[] Open later hours (after midnight)
[] More quick or print-only stations
[] More open use time (i.e. no classes in session)
[] More centrally located computer rooms
[] Other (please describe): []
10. How long do you wait in line on average?
[] No line, so I don't have to wait
[] 1-5 minutes
[] 5-10 minutes
[] 10-15 minutes
[] 15-30 minutes
[] Over 30 minutes
11. Is there any additional software that you feel should be loaded on
the computers?
12. If there was one thing that we should do better, what would it be?
Thank you for your time and input.
Survey Results
There were 265 responses.
Questions 1 and 2:
Total number who used |
Percentage |
Number who used most commonly |
Percentage |
The Station (177 MU) |
173 |
65.3% |
59 |
22.3% |
1102 Hart |
120 |
45.3% |
50 |
18.9% |
TB114 |
95 |
35.8% |
27 |
10.2% |
163 Shields |
101 |
38.1% |
25 |
9.4% |
301A SurgeIV |
87 |
32.8% |
24 |
9.1% |
301B SurgeIV |
83 |
31.3% |
18 |
6.8% |
1154 Meyer |
31 |
11.7% |
14 |
5.3% |
21 Olson |
75 |
28.3% |
12 |
4.5% |
1131 Meyer |
39 |
14.7% |
12 |
4.5% |
27 Olson |
74 |
27.9% |
10 |
3.8% |
1 Olson |
55 |
20.8% |
7 |
2.6% |
241 Olson |
21 |
7.9% |
3 |
1.1% |
247 Olson |
17 |
6.4% |
1 |
0.4% |
Question 3:
Ease of finding free computer to use |
Easy |
25 |
9.4% |
Sometimes easy |
113 |
42.6% |
Moderately difficult |
80 |
30.2% |
Difficult |
33 |
12.5% |
Extremely difficult |
10 |
3.8% |
Questions 4 and 5: Rate the CRC on ...
Computer Knowledge |
2.4 |
Helpfulness |
2.4 |
Courtesy |
2.4 |
Availabilty |
2.4 |
Email |
2.2 |
Network Programs |
2.3 |
Printing |
2.3 |
Microsoft Office |
2.4 |
General Windows Programs |
2.2 |
General Mac Programs |
2.3 |
Question 6: Type of questions asked.
Number |
Percentage |
Email |
62 |
23.4% |
Network Programs |
75 |
28.3% |
Printing |
119 |
44.9% |
Microsoft Office |
48 |
18.1% |
Computer crashed |
116 |
43.8% |
Where is the bathroom, etc. |
21 |
7.9% |
Other |
58 |
21.9% |
Question 7: Other comments on the CRCs
They are gennerally a bunch of pills and just sit and do homework I don't
really need much help in the lab but I've seen them give non-computer literate
us ers a real hard time
There needs to be more than one at each lab not one consultant for two
labs that are adjacent
I have been helped in a courteous and efficient manner
I did not interact with the consultants
Always available and helpful very knowledgeable
They are generally helpful.
They do not seem to be interested in their work. They seem bored and unhappy
to be there.
I rarely need help from them but they seem to be very willing to help
Not much comment to give since I often don't have any problems or >questio
ns using the computers. That is why I didn't indicate ratings for the previous
Yes many of the Computer Room Consultants are extremely unprofessional
whe n it comes to customer service nor do they expect any kind of computer
knowledg e from the user when it comes to providing services. That is they
basically ass ume that you are ignorant about computer in general and thus
vocalize in a disrespectful manner. I am a CS minor and have been suprise
by how little the consu ltants know.
They don't look available/willing to help. It's as if they get paid to
surf the web
I was actually interested in becoming one myself.
There are a wide range of consultants overall they are nice but there are
some that don't know what they are doing.
nope never really spoke to any of them
Some of them do not want to bothered are rude
overally pretty friendly and helpful- it's a good thing that they're readil
y available for students.
No other questions I can go without them.
They seem to perofrm their jobs at or above adequate levels
They don't have much to do. They have easy job.
i'm pretty sure they're helpful
Don't disappear for so long and keep the staples filled
The number of consultants seems adequate.
the hart hall consultants were all very nice helpful and knowledgeable
They seem to be doing a great job.
I don't really come in contact with them often enought to make a valid
asse ssment
They seem sufficient to me since I don't have any questions
Usually real nice people
They are often loud and it is difficult to concentrate when you work in
the same room as them
They are very friendly and always willing to help
overall very helpful
They are not verycourteous. Most responses are short. It feels like I'm
putting them out to get help. Most of the time (especially for mac programs)
the y do not know the answer and just re-boot the computer.
we need more computer stations especially in the MU
they basically sit there and talk to each other and aren't really helping.
I asked one consultant a question about using excel and he didn't know
the answ er. Instead of admitting it he "pretended" to answer the question
by confusing me with irelevant infor. I know it was irelevant because I
later asked my frie nd who is an engineer and an expert in excel. Therefore
I am positive that I a m not randomly accusing your staff of purposely
confusing me.
Generally they are very helpful and can usually solve a problem
I did not speak to any of the computer room consultants.
I am impressed with the friendliness of their service. They always make
me feel very welcome. I want to thank them for their courtesy kindness
and help.
more girl CRCs
In general most consultants know what they are doing and therefor are very
Question 8: Rate the cleanlieness of computer rooms
2.1 (On scale of 1-5 with 1 the best)
Question 9: Most important way to improve computer classrooms
Ranking |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
Total |
More computers |
149 |
25 |
30 |
527 |
More quick or printing stations |
32 |
60 |
52 |
268 |
More open use time |
35 |
56 |
48 |
265 |
Open later hours |
18 |
36 |
33 |
159 |
Newer equipment |
16 |
34 |
17 |
133 |
More centrally located computer rooms |
14 |
23 |
35 |
123 |
Better trained staff |
3 |
11 |
10 |
41 |
Other |
3 |
3 |
5 |
20 |
More staff |
1 |
2 |
9 |
16 |
Total is computed by (number of 1st's) x 3 + (number of 2nd's) x 2 +
(number of 3rd's).
Question 10: Length of wait in line to use a computer
Number |
Percentage |
No line |
29 |
10.9% |
1-5 min |
46 |
17.4% |
5-10 min |
86 |
32.5% |
10-15 |
72 |
27.2% |
15-30 |
25 |
9.4% |
Over 30 min |
5 |
1.9% |
Question 11: Additional software needed
Novell for people intersted in networking
Macromdedia Flash version 4 (Version 3 is used now in Heart) and Real Networ
ks Real player. Also photoshop 5.5.
Yes Autocad 2000 Office 2000 Professional Exceed (latest version) Visio
Enterprise Oracle Windows 2000 Professional Mathcad 8 Front Page Linux
Win dows NT (make it dual bootable) etc.
adobe photoshop
Adobe Suite Macromedia Suite
Mathematica C programming IDE Foreign language capability (epecially for
Asian language characters.) and MP3 players
Mathematica Unreal Tournament
Yes Microsoft Word could be equipped to do a Spanish grammer check in addit
ion to the spell check that is already available.
powerpoint exceed
Some graphic editing program (GraphicConverter for Mac is a good one if
you can't afford Photoshop and AOL Instant Messenger
I would love to see access on more computers. Also you might want more
scanners the lines for those computers can get kind of long.
Internet Explorer for PCs
Excced Language Translator such as NJstar Communicator and Linux.
just the shortcuts to MS Office programs you have to find the files on
the harddrive yourself
I'm not sure that all of the computers on campus have the NJStar WP softare
installed on them so I always go to Shields or Olson to use this software
and t hese classrooms sometimes are reserved by classes making it hard
for me get acce ss when I need it most.
No I don't think so.
Asian Language reader
chatting stuff-mirc and maybe icq
multilanguage support
photoshop and illustrater on all campus computers not jus the ones in hart
and myer
Linux Flash
endnote data presentation graphics
All of the software available is adequate. Microsoft Office is definitely
the most useful.
photoshop illustrator
maybe different online services i.e. America Online Prodigy Compuserve
etc. To allow people to access programs that they may forward school information
I think that you should have real player and aol instant messenger loaded
onto the computers
napster and mp3
matlab would be nice..but not really needed
Stats programs
Napster... hahahaha
Statview on more computers please
IE Explorer because netscape sucks!
microsoft outlook for email instead of just isun
better email service
get windows 98 computers theyre easier to use than macs
Pagemaker and photoshop
quark express on a PC
Yes MAC Programs such as Photoshop Illustrator and Vector Works!!!
Lotus wordpro
photoshop miniCAD autoCAD quark xpress vector works etc.
yes put back EXCEED!!!
windows 98 appleworks
pagemaker illustrator photoshop
More tech software for design and graphics more email stations would be
eve n better since most people just check email.
Yes Newer version of browser
none known
Microsoft Publisher
Question 12: Things to do better
more machines
Have equipment that is compatible all over campus that way I can use any
lab not just specific zip drives or for the media stuff have
it be the same accross the board so I don't have to keep converting shit
or maybe give me more space to store files.
Make sure that all computers are running properly I had 3 crashes for the
past 2 weeks
to have more computer ready in the shield library
Higher Print Quota
Buy larger monitors and better mice. i.e. 19 inch or greater size and infared
Advertise about the labs especially to freshman this can be done by sending
a general e-mail to every student and have the labs open 24 hours a day
for 7 da ys a week even on holidays they should be open.
More fonts in design labs
more pcs. i don't like having to use macs imacs or goddamn powerbooks.
there is a disproportionate number of pcs to macs. fix that. otherwise
i do every thing at home. get burners for pcs and scanners for pcs as well.
Make sure that there is somewhere where everyone can go to use a computer
at all times
maybe more chairs pay attention that groups use group computers
More available computers enforce the 15 minute rule for stand-up computers
(especially in the MU
If possible please having more computer rooms.
I'm a TA and I constantly get interrupted by students coming into my clas
sroom even though there is a huge DO NOT ENTER sign... anything you can
do to help the interruption would be great.
Good job.
get more computers make them accessible late at night get more > friendly
and knokwledgeable staff
Do some training classes in Meyer Media Lab.
Need more printers and more newer computers. Also buy more PCs than Macs.
The air conditioning in TB 114 doesn't always work. It is often too hot
in TB 114.
Have more computers avaliable. During the day I can rarely get on a comput
er without a 20-30 minute wait.
Please shorten the lines
Instructional classes for new students
Enforce time limits when there are people waiting in line.
Customer Service.
Bigger computer lab at MU
I don't think that there is anything wrong with the Computer Room Consultants
just a lack of available computers.
be more familiar with the multimedia computer equipment at Meyer so that
que stions can be answered when problems arise.
Later hours
better consultants.
more printers so we don't have to wait for so long to get our things print
ed out.
you guys need more printers!!!
you're doing a good enough job-keep it up
ensure that all equipments in the lab including the staplers and the hole
punchers to be in working condition.
you are doing good
I don't know
The computer labs are run efficiently.
Have extended open-hours for computer labs
have tissue and monitor cleaning stuff available to clean monitors
I think one of the main problems is that the printers are always jam packed
. There have been times when I have had to wait 45 minutes for the printer
to pr int something. More and faster computers and printers.
Have more scanners avalible for students other then just having one >scanne
r in the Hart Hall
maybe limit more computers to be used a max of 5-10 (i.e.- PRINT ONLY)
continued training of staff -- i.e. in-services
have scanners
have more printing stations
More computers in the library the computer room by the reserves is ALWAYS
f ull.
not a whole lot. Most consultants have been wonderfully helpful.
allow us to print more because many classes require materials to be printe
d out on our own
To have more available computers that are open during the day without the
in terference of classes
To have more available computers that are open during the day without the
in terference of classes
I think that you should organize areas of the computer lab as >mentioned
e arlier in this survey. For example the print only stations are >a good
way to split computers for those who need to get out in a hurry.
just have more computer rooms in the library
not sure
more computers
more computers less wait
no opinion
More computers more computers more computers
have more computers in convient places. oh it is too hot in the MU compute
r lab
more open hours in olson
print only stations
"print only one copy" policy is stupid. Consultants who follow this are
anal. Just give us a hard print quota.
I am an engineering student and typically don't use the general computers
but use computers in Bainer instead. The Civil Engineering Department could
use some computers.
more computers!
more computers available and less time taken up by classes
have our user name on the bottom of all our print outs
scanners in olson or MU
Add zip drives to all the computers.
all computers should have the same software and programs
More Printers
pay greater attention to those people printing web pages that take a long
t ime to print-out maybe those people can be directed places other than
the print station rooms
more computers
more open labs for quick printouts
more centrally located computer rooms
attachments on telnet are hard to figure out
somehow decrease line waiting time and increase available computer classroom
s for open access
Move some of the computer labs to a more central location and have them
be open access
coordinate classes in certain rooms and keep the times/places the same
thruo ut the quarter
For the multimedia stations in 1154 Meyer: Some groups were real disk space
hogs on stations 10 & 11. One project used up half the space on the
drive at least 10 gigs. This is discourteous and unfair to other people
who have to edit their projects by loading in 1 GB about 5 minutes at a
time. So either get more disk space or put some kind of limit on how much
a group can use at a time.
have more comp labs in it's own builiding so people can find them easier
or print out a map in each lab showing other lab rooms.
Fixing printer problems before a bunch of print jobs pile up.
Never have all computer labs taken for classes in the same building. (I
am thinking about Olson) that obliges the students to run around campus
no comment
More computers around campus that are print-only
make it so waiting doesn't occur. for example providing more > computers
in the MU would help
later hours
byinstalling exceed
Be more respectful to clients know more about mac programs.
Please get more PC
Have more computer labs or a limit as to how long each student can
be on a computer.
Inform students when work will be done on the systems post things on the
doors as well as the email.
More computers available. I go to a lab there will be a class in there
and I would have to walk to another. i also want more PC. usually people
us the PC an d i end up have to wait for a while. also a limit of 400 print
pages each quarter is too little becasue some classes have many items on
the web that i would need. and if I have three classes that rely heavily
on printout from the web for sure I will go over that low limit.
Is it possible to retain personal settings for Netscape IE etc. on a
per user basis? (i.e. store individual user's settings in their accounts)
I kn ow that some of the ECE PC's in EUII (2107 I believe?) are capable
of doing t his.
MORE COMPUTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more printers would be good
more software
Have another computer lab available near the MU. I tend to avoid this compu
ter lab during the day because of the long lines. This is an area that
is in de mand by students.
more comp less wait time
nothing doing a great job already
definitely more open computer labs like at the MU.
Get more printers...there are not enough
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys
Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys
Last reviewed: Thu, 18-Jul-2002
Last updated: July 19, 2000 |