Faculty Survey - Fall 2003

Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys

Survey Text

On 1/5/2004 Lab Management sent the following survey to faculty who had taught in the computer rooms during Fall 2003.
Computer Lab Management would like to know how we can improve the
quality of service in the computer classrooms. We have used feedback in
the past to improve our services and facilities, and hope to use your
feedback to improve further.

Our records show that you taught a class in one of our computer
classrooms during the last quarter. If you were not the person actually
teaching in the room, please forward this message to that person (such as
a TA). Please take a moment to fill out the survey and try to be as
specific as possible. 

The survey contains nine questions which are listed below. To answer
the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions
below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square
brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your
responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the
square brackets provided. There is space for comments at the end of the

If you have taught in multiple classrooms, please respond for each classroom
separately. For example, if you taught in both 21 Olson and 241 Olson 
please reply to this email twice, once for each room. This will allow us
to match your comments with the specific computer classroom.

Thank you for your time and input.

Tim Leamy
Computer Lab Management

***** Computer Classroom Survey *****

1. Which computer classroom did you teach in during the last quarter?
(Please check only one. If you taught in multiple classroom, please
reply separately for each classroom.)
[] 1 Olson [] 21 Olson [] 27 Olson 
[] 241 Olson [] 247 Olson [] 1102 Hart
[] 73 Hutchison [] 93 Hutchison [] 1131 Meyer
[] 1154 Meyer [] 163 Shields 

2. How long have you been teaching in the computer rooms?
[] First time
[] Less than a year
[] 1-3 years
[] More that three years

3. Please describe the preparedness of the room for your class.
Was the room cleared out and ready for your class? [] Yes [] No

Do you have any additional comments regarding room preparedness?
[ ]

4. Was your class ever delayed or interrupted by ... 
(please indicate the number of times each occurred)
[] hardware/software failure
[] AV/projection failure
[] room not cleared out prior to class
[] students entering the room during your class 
[] a class held prior to yours running over its scheduled time
[] a double scheduling (two classes scheduled for the same time)
[] Other [ ]

5. Please rate the computers in the following areas. (1 to 5, with 5 the
best and 1 the worst)
[] Speed [] Reliability 
[] Software [] Usability
[] Appropriateness for your needs

Do you have any additional comments regarding the computers?
[ ]

6. Please rate the Computer Room Consultants in the following areas (1 to
5, with 5 the best and 1 the worst)
[] Knowledge [] Helpfulness
[] Courtesy [] Availability

Were you able to find the Computer Room Consultant when you needed help?
[] Yes [] No

Do you have any additional comments regarding the Computer Room
[ ]

7. If you didn't teach in the same computer classroom last year, please
skip to #8. Otherwise, compare the teaching environment for this quarter
as compared to the last time you taught in the room. Is it:
[] better
[] worse
[] about the same
Please let us know why:
[ ] 

8. What can Computer Lab Management do to make your teaching experience
using computer classrooms better? 
[ ] 

9. Do you have any other comments about the computer classrooms.
[ ]

Thank you for your time and input.

Survey Results

There were 14 responses.  Unfortunately that was not enough responses to make the survey statistically valid.  Therefore, we looked only at the qualitative responses and survey comments.

Question 3.   Do you have any additional comments regarding room preparedness?

Question 4. Was your class ever delayed or interrupted by ...

 Question 5.  Do you have any additional comments regarding the computers?

Question 6.   Do you have any additional comments regarding the Computer Room Consultants?

Question 7.   Compare the teaching environment for this quarter as compared to the last time you taught in the room.

Question 8. What can Lab Management do to make your teaching experience better?

Question 9. Do you have any other comments about the computer classrooms.

Survey Interpretation

Overall the survey respondents were happy with their computer classroom experiences.

There are mixed comments regarding 247 Olson. Faculty really like the size of the room and the size and quietness of the laptops.  However, they dislike the keyboard and touchpads on the laptops.  CLM will investigate options to retain small computer size while providing better mice and keyboards.


Other Surveys

Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Other Surveys

Comments: tcleamy@ucdavis.edu
URL: http://lm.ucdavis.edu/pubs/survey/faculty_f01.html  
Last updated: February  12, 2004
Last reviewed: Thu, 12-Feb-2004