Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
As you may know, the campus computer classrooms are often over-crowded. To address this problem lab management is conducting a survey to learn more about how students' use the computer classrooms. Your name was selected by a random sample of all computer classroom users. As a result, your responses to this survey represent many users. In order that the views of people like you get represented properly, it is important for you to fill out and return this survey. The survey contains nine questions which are listed below. To answer the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the square brackets provided. There is a space for comments at the end of the survey. Thank you for your time and input. Tim Leamy Information Resources ***** Computer Classroom Survey ***** 1. Name: [] 2. Email Address: [] 3. Class Standing: [] Freshman [] Sophomore [] Junior [] Senior [] Masters candidate [] Ph.D. candidate 4. Why do you use the computer classrooms (please mark all that apply) [] Don't own a computer [] Need to access the network (e.g., Netscape, email, Eudora, Telnet) [] Need to print [] Need to access class software or information [] Campus computers are more convenient than mine [] Campus computers work better than mine [] Other (please describe): [] 5. How many hours a week do you need to use the computer rooms? [] hours 6. What is the average number of minutes you wait in line for a computer in the computer rooms? [] minutes 7. Do you own a computer? [] YES [] NO (If NO please skip to question #9.) 8. If you own a computer please answer the following: (If you own more than one computer please respond for the one you use most often.) How old is your computer? [] years Type: [] Desktop [] Notebook/Powerbook Platform: [] Macintosh [] PC/IBM compatible [] Other [] Don't know Modem: [] None [] 9600 or slower [] 14.4K or faster [] Don't Know CD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know Printer: [] None [] Dot Matrix [] Ink Jet [] Laser [] Other [] Don't Know 9. Which of the following items would improve the computer classrooms most? Please rank the THREE most important by placing 1, 2 or 3 in the brackets provided, using 1 for the most important. [] More computers [] More staff [] Better trained staff [] Newer equipment [] Open later hours [] More open use time (i.e. no classes in session) [] Other (please describe): [] [] Other (please describe): [] [] Other (please describe): [] Do you have any other questions or comments? [] Thank you for your time and input.
Currently 421 results have been returned. A spreadsheet of the data (ssurvey.xls) is available for download.
Total Responses | 421 | |
Freshman | 33 | 7.8% |
Sophomore | 71 | 16.9% |
Junior | 103 | 24.5% |
Senior | 178 | 42.3% |
Masters Candidate | 12 | 2.9% |
Ph.D. Candidate | 24 | 5.7% |
Why do you use the computer classrooms? | ||
Need to access network | 310 | 74.9% |
Need to print | 278 | 67.1% |
Need to access class software or information | 223 | 53.9% |
Don't own a computer | 123 | 29.7% |
Campus computers are more convenient than mine | 120 | 29.0% |
Campus computers work better than mine | 109 | 26.3% |
Other | 101 | 24.4% |
Average hours needed per week: 5.1
Average minutes wait to use a computer: 12.6
Do you own a computer | |||
Yes | 293 | 69.6% | |
No | 128 | 30.4% |
Of those who own a computer:
Average age: 2.8 years
Type | |||
Desktop | 258 | 88.1% | |
Notebook | 35 | 11.9% |
Platform | |||
IBM compatible | 223 | 76.1% | |
Macintosh | 65 | 22.2% | |
Other/Don't Know | 5 | 1.7% |
Modem | |||
None | 44 | 15.0% | |
9600 or slower | 37 | 12.6% | |
14.4K or faster | 193 | 65.9% | |
Don't Know | 19 | 6.5% |
CD-ROM | |||
Yes | 190 | 64.8% | |
No | 97 | 33.1% | |
Don't Know | 6 | 2.0% |
Printer | |||
None | 66 | 22.5% | |
Dot Matrix | 36 | 12.3% | |
Ink Jet | 151 | 51.5% | |
Laser | 30 | 10.2% | |
Other | 8 | 2.7% | |
Don't Know | 2 | 0.6% |
Most important way to improve computer classrooms | ||||
Ranking | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | Total |
More computers | 173 | 118 | 51 | 806 |
More open use time | 150 | 123 | 47 | 743 |
Open later hours | 27 | 75 | 103 | 334 |
Newer equipment | 6 | 22 | 50 | 112 |
Better trained staff | 6 | 12 | 32 | 74 |
More staff | 4 | 8 | 15 | 43 |
Total is computed by (number of 1st's) x 3 + (number of 2nd's) x 2 + (number of 3rd's).
The top reasons why students use the computer rooms are access to the network (75%), access to printers (67%), and access to class software (54%). The percentage of students who own a computer is roughly 70%, the same as in other surveys. It is interesting to compare the usage profiles of computer owners vs. non-owners. (The "don't own a computer", "campus computers are more convenient than mine", and "campus computers are better than mine" responses were removed since they don't make sense in this comparison.)
Computer Owners (293) | Non-owners (128) | |
Access the network | 67.6% | 91.9% |
Access to printers | 59.0% | 86.3% |
Access to class software | 52.1% | 58.1% |
Non-computer owners used the computer rooms to access the network and printers in greater percentages than computer owners. However, computer users still relied on the computer rooms heavily for network and printer access. Access to class software was roughly the same for both groups. This seems reasonable since use would be based on the classes the students are enrolled in, not whether or not they own a computer.
The most desired improvements voiced by the students are more computers and more open use time. Open later hours ranks a distant third and the other improvements received very little support. It appears students are more concerned about access to the computer rooms as opposed to the quality of the service provided in those rooms.
Another interesting trend can be seen by looking at the percentage of students who choose "Access to class software" vs. class standing. It appears that upper divisions classes require access to class software much more than "freshman" classes.
Class | Percentage needing to access class software |
Freshman | 30.3% |
Sophomore | 50.7% |
Junior | 53.4% |
Senior | 61.8% |
Masters | 25.0% |
Ph. D. | 37.5% |
Looking at the percentage of students who choose "Access to printers" vs. class standing and the type of printer owned vs. class standing reveals that more freshman and sophomores own good printers (ink-jet and laser) and therefore are less likely to need to print in the computer rooms. Also, Juniors and Seniors own dot matrix in higher proportion than freshman and sophomores. This might be due to the drop in price of ink jet printers over the past few years. Perhaps the price point of ink jets dropped to the point where they were feasible to buy for the average student approximately 2 years ago, resulting in the shift from dot matrix to ink jet.
Class | Percentage needing to access printers |
None | Dot Matrix | Ink Jet | Laser | Other |
Freshman | 60.6% | 28.0% | 8.0% | 52.0% | 4.0% | 8.0% |
Sophomore | 54.9% | 13.0% | 8.7% | 63.0% | 13.0% | 2.2% |
Junior | 70.9% | 19.2% | 15.1% | 54.8% | 8.2% | 2.7% |
Senior | 70.2% | 24.8% | 14.9% | 47.1% | 10.7% | 2.5% |
Masters | 75.0% | 28.6% | 14.3% | 57.1% | ||
Ph. D. | 50.0% | 36.8% | 42.1% | 21.1% |
Survey Text
Survey Results
Survey Interpretation
Comments: URL: Last reviewed: Thu, 18-Jul-2002 Last updated: March 15, 1997 |
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