Equipment Uptime and Problems Reported

Computer Lab Management tracks hardware and software related problems for each of its computing facilities. The number of problems reported by room type, the overall equipment downtime, and average downtime are listed in the graphs below. A significant component of increasing accessibility of computers is done by reducing the amount of time a problem causes equipment to be unavailable or not fully functional to the user. For Winter 2004, 217 equipment related problems were reported and resolved.

The graph above shows that the average downtime is fairly low. The total downtime in hours is most heavily felt by the computer classrooms while the least is listed for other, auxiliary spaces. These other spaces are support areas adjacent to the other types of rooms.

The graph above represents data collected for 12 Computer Lab Management computer classrooms and open access labs. It also includes the statistic for the 15 Olson print room which has one printer and four print only stations as well as data representing the 1154 Meyer and 1101 Hart media facilities.

Most of the problems were reported in 1101 Hart Hall, the Media Distribution Lab. The computer classroom in 1102 Hart had the second highest number of problems recorded. Both facilities are highly utilized every quarter and the equipment age ranges from three to over six years old. The 1101 Hart facility is the campus' Media Distribution Lab and contains a large number of equipment as compared to any other single room in the CLM room inventory. Data collected indicated that these two rooms contributed 34 percent of the problems reported.

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Last updated: April 21, 2004