Media Distribution Lab - Hart Hall

Computer Lab Management operates two media facilities. The Media Distribution Lab (MDL) at Hart Hall is one such facility which operates differently than other computer rooms. The MDL holds class materials such as DVDs, video tapes, audio tapes, slide sets, and notes for students and faculty to checkout. Faculty typically put such materials on reserve at the MDL instead of the library since the facility has VCRs, DVD players, audio players, and slide carrels that allow clients to view the material on the premises. There are also computer-based instructional software modules that students can view using any of the 16 iMac computers located in the room, An additional service offered at the MDL for all campus clients are the video-based training tutorials for various software applications. Using these training materials, clients can learn how to use software from Microsoft Word to Adobe Photoshop to MCSE Windows Server Administration.

The MDL at 1101 and 1102 Hart functions as both a distribution center and as a classroom. The graph below measures the MDL's primary transactions. Specifically, it shows the total number of material checkouts and number of computer logins at the Media Distribution Lab during Winter quarter.

A significant increase for logins was recorded along with a sharp decline in checkouts. Overall, the use of the Hart facility stayed consistent with last year. The above graph shows that there is a trend from traditional class materials (represented by the number of checkouts) to more digital distribution either via the web or in specific standalone applications (represented by the number of logins). This quarter's decline in checkouts can be attributed to audio lectures for several classes that were also being made available in digital format (MP3) on the web by the home department. While the checkouts declined, the number of items on reserve has actually slightly increased as the campus becomes more diverse in the media they wish to place on reserve and checkout from the MDL.

The continued increase in logins is attributable to the ongoing success of the six standup, quick access stations installed in 1101 Hart halfway through the Winter 2002 quarter. The stations were installed to provide additional computers at the core campus for general, unreserved use after we restricted internet access (.edu only) on the 16 iMac sitdown stations in Fall 2000 in an effort to control the usage on these academic-use only computers that are primarily intended for viewing multimedia-based course materials.

The MDL's usage trend since Winter 2002 reversed the trend of the previous years. During those earlier years, average utilization for the media distribution facility gradually declined. This was related to some services transferred back to academic departments but mostly due to an increase in materials provided on the web rather in the traditional slide or tape format. However, a significant jump was recorded in Winter 2002 and continues through Winter 2004. CLM believes the utilization is not an anomaly but driven by increasing services available at the MDL, such as an addition of quick access stations, and a move by many classes to have VHS and DVD materials available for students. Overall we are seeing usage stabilize at a high level as checkouts decrease due to online availability of digital audio lecture materials, and logins increase due to our client's increasing dependency on online distribution of print and non-print class materials.

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Last updated: May 6, 2004