User Demographics

To determine who are the users of the computer rooms, Computer Lab Management tracks information on user affiliation including their primary college affiliation.

User Affiliation

Over 97 percent of the users are students with over 17,041 graduate and undergraduate students logging on to one of the 15 Computer Lab Management facilities. This number represents 62 percent of all undergraduate and graduate students (including professional schools) at UC Davis. CLM served approximately 70 percent of the undergraduate population and 22 percent of the graduate and professional student population. There were 138 faculty members who were also logged into one or more of our facilities, typically logging in during scheduled class times. Staff logins represented two percent or 350 people.


Student users' College/School

A majority of the students who use our facilities are undergraduate students. CLM served over 70 percent of the undergraduate students during the winter quarter. The graph below illustrates the users by their college or school.


While the largest group of students come from the College of Letters and Science, the largest percentage of any college belongs to the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. About 68 percent of the College of Engineering students used our facility during the winter quarter. Professional schools, having a greater level of computer support for their students, had the least proportion of their population utilizing the various central computing facilities.

The level of support as well as laptop ownership and school support may indicate why few students from professional schools utilize our facilities. Another factor might be geographic location of professional schools to our computing facilities.

Last updated: May 6, 2003