Media Distribution Lab Hart Hall

Computer Lab Management operates two media facilities. The Media Distribution Lab (MDL) at Hart Hall is one such facility which operates differently than other computer rooms. The MDL holds class materials such as video tapes, audio tapes, slide sets, and notes for students and faculty to checkout. Faculty typically put such materials on reserve at the MDL instead of the library since the facility has VCRs, audio players, and slide carrels that allow clients to view the material on the premises. There are also instructional software modules that students can view using any of the 16 iMac computers located in the room.

Part of the services offerred for all campus clients are computer and video based training for a list of software. Using these training materials, clients can learn how to use software from Microsoft Word to Adobe Photoshop. The MDL at 1101 and 1102 Hart functions as both a distribution center and as a classroom. The graph below measures several MDL transactions. Specifically, it shows the number of checkouts at the Media Distribution Lab, the number of logins to the 16 iMac computer stations to view digitized class materials, and the number of logins to the 1102 Hart computer facility.

A significant jump in logins was recorded along with a drop in the number of checkouts. The logins statistic is a record since CLM began tracking logins and checkouts for the facility. The increase can be attributed to service changes which increased the overall traffic and hence the awareness of services of the MDL.

During the spring and summer months of 2001, Computer Lab Management and the Playback Center transitioned thousands of VHS tapes into the MDL. The result was a dramatic rise in VHS material checkouts. The above graph shows that there is a trend from traditional class materials (represented by the number of checkouts) to more digital distribution either via the web of in specific standalone applications (represented by the number of logins). However, because there are more materials, especially video materials, at the MDL, a significant increase in checkouts was observed.

The large jump in logins is also indicative of six standup, quick access stations installed in 1101 Hart halfway through the Winter 2002 quarter. The stations were installed to provide additional computers at the core campus for general, unreserved use.

With the decline in usage during the Winter 2003 quarter, the MDL saw its growth reverse since Fall 2001. CLM believes that the facility's location and breadth of service will serve as an ongoing incentive for students to use the facility.

Last updated: May 5, 2003