Computer Classroom Utilization

Computer classrooms account for 53 percent of all computer rooms operated by Computer Lab Management. These rooms are reservable for instructional purposes which includes both class and lab sessions. The graph below provides an overview of the computer classroom's utilization by room compared to the average utilization.

Several rooms reached maximum utilization during peak hours indicating they were reserved for nearly the entire Winter 2003 quarter. Several indicate high utilization between 6 PM and 9 PM indicating late night scheduled hours.Most of the computer classrooms were highly utilized between the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM.

Computer Classroom Reserved Hours

The graph below identifies the hours reserved by fall academic quarters. Close to 30 fewer class reservation hours were made in Winter 2003 as compared to last winter. The total of 3048.5 hours droped below the previous high's of 3,080 and 3069 hours in Winter 2002 and winter 2001 respectively. This total is more than 350 hours off of projected hours based on growth since 1997. The growth model will need to be reviewed if the current trend continues.


Computer Classroom Distribution

Most of the computer classroom reservations are distributed to various rooms. Below's graph shows the distribution of the reservation for each of the nine classrooms. The five computer classrooms in Olson Hall represent the lions share of the reservations at a combined 80 percent. The single most reserved room was 1 Olson with 497 hours reserved for winter quarter. This total is just under 79 hours more than last winter quarter's reservation for the same room. The 1102 Hart computer classroom had the second highest number of reserved hours at 405 hours.


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Last updated: May 5, 2003